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What really annoyed you today

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What really annoyed you today???

1. Not being able to meet up with the bigger cheese today! :'( :'(

2. the amount of bl@@dy phishing emails i've had this last few weeks from banks etc i dont even have accounts with >:( >:(

3. Pen!s enlargement and Viagra emails as well.....please come on, get a life! >:( >:(>:(....sent them on to Marky :D :D :D

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I have a really cr*ppy day:

1. It's freezing.

2. DHL always come a day late to collect my parcels, after I've waited in ages for them >:(

3. Because of this I didn't get to exercise my Dad's wife's horse, which needed doing cos it's a competion horse and Dad and wife are now really p*ssed off with me >:(

4. Solicitor didn't tell me I had to arrange funds transer 2 days in advance of completion - fortunately I rang him and checked today and have now organised it >:(

5. The stirrups I sent d a friend for Xmas were too small :'(

6. No-one wants to go to the pub with me... and I haven't been out for days :'( :'(

7. Did I mention it's cold ::)

Apart from that everything's peachy :'( :'( :'( :'(

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I have a really cr*ppy day:

1. It's freezing.

2. DHL always come a day late to collect my parcels, after I've waited in ages for them >:(

3. Because of this I didn't get to exercise my Dad's wife's horse, which needed doing cos it's a competion horse and Dad and wife are now really p*ssed off with me >:(

4. Solicitor didn't tell me I had to arrange funds transer 2 days in advance of completion - fortunately I rang him and checked today and have now organised it >:(

5. The stirrups I sent d a friend for Xmas were too small :'(

6. No-one wants to go to the pub with me... and I haven't been out for days :'( :'(

7. Did I mention it's cold ::)

Apart from that everything's peachy :'( :'( :'( :'(

we wil lgo to the pub with you mandy, what time me flowe, and do you have a spair bed save me driving back, ,need an alarm clock for a 4am wakeup call as got work tommorrow

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f-ing cars on the road while im trying to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OF MY LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:( >:
Touchy!! As annoying as it is, most of those cars are driven by the person who is out of pocket to the tax man in a number of ways including road tax - are you old enough to be on the road?! ::):P
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Just give me the postcode :D

which one where we start?? where we get to in the middle?? or the hospital which is where somebody usally ends up, the apprentice found out he was diabetic a few years back the hard way, carried out to a ambulance on xmas eve, after a pint of terminator, did exactly what it said in its title :D :D :D :D :D

hes ok by the way

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which one where we start?? where we get to in the middle?? or the hospital which is where somebody usally ends up, the apprentice found out he was diabetic a few years back the hard way, carried out to a ambulance on xmas eve, after a pint of terminator, did exactly what it said in its title :D :D :D :D :D

hes ok by the way

THat was like our skittles do last year bloke tried walking home fell down and smashed all his mouth and teeth up and was drinking through a straw for 2 weeks and had to spend ?5000 rebuilding his teeth  :o :o :o :o well he did want to drink with the big boys 12.00 midday start and we left the nightclub at 3.15am but he went on at 10.00 pm  ::) ::)::)
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Worried really.

Husband Stu has had a persistant cough since June or so.  Doctor said nothing wrong and sent him to the asthma nurse and he has been treated for asthma.  

I finally persuaded him to go back to the Doctor who still said nothing wrong but sent him to Andover hospital for an X-ray and blood test and now he has to go to Winchester on 28th December for a MRI scan as there is something they don't like on the X-ray.

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Worried really.

Husband Stu has had a persistant cough since June or so.  Doctor said nothing wrong and sent him to the asthma nurse and he has been treated for asthma.  

I finally persuaded him to go back to the Doctor who still said nothing wrong but sent him to Andover hospital for an X-ray and blood test and now he has to go to Winchester on 28th December for a MRI scan as there is something they don't like on the X-ray.

Oh dear Sue... well I wish him all the best... Lets hope it's nothing serious... probably just some fluid that anti-biotics will clear up anyway... not the kind of thing you want to be worrying about over christmas though is it  :-\
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