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What really annoyed you today

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Kids will never concentrate or get work done all the time they are sitting in groups working together.

     When they bring back the individual or paired desks (Flip lid type), and have all the children facing the front of the class sitting in silence and actually being taught by teachers; rather than given worksheets to fill in; then you will get children to concentrate and learn things properly.......Gaaasp. pass me the oxygen.  ;):D

well said my son kai aged 9 sits on a table of 7 , what i can make out all they do is muck about
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Taking my tanker to Bracknell for a tank test and safe loading pass.

Sat around getting cold waiting for the tank test to be done and correcting one or two minor faults to make sure it passed, waiting for the safe loading pass to be done after I had checked everything I could think of; only to be told that everything was fine electrically, but there was a crack in the suspension.......Doooh

Now it can't be used until the repair has been done. It has to go to Essex on Monday to be de-gassed and welded, and then taken back to Bracknell to have the repair checked before I can get an S.L.P.

    In between getting that done, I have to do a pre M.O.T. inspection on our Foden and get it ready for the test by next Wednesday. This year has been total crap. Everything has been planned so that one job should follow on from the other. This year, everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong, and something else has gone wrong at the same time..........if you catch my drift.      GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR >:( >:(>:(:(

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I think could try harder and would do OK if he concentrated sums it up better Marky! :-\

Carbon copy of my reports Kev.... bless him... He's an absolute Jem of a lad though mate... one of the politest children I have ever had the pleasure to meet... and thats what REALLY matters in life...

You could still buy him a tractor for that daddy anyway... as if you need an excuse  :D :D :D

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The mortgage broker (that I had to use cos Barratt Homes wouldn't give me the discounts and incentives on my new home if I didn't use him), totally messing up my mortgate calculations, resulting in a shortfall, which although not insurmountable is very embarrassing >:(

And I really want to be in my new house by Christmas :'( :'(

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Oh noooo... how'd you manage to do that Tris ???

Not too sure Mandy. I thought it was in my wallet but it is nowhere to be seen, not even in the washing. Have to pay the ?7 fee for Traci's Dad to cancel it and write me another now. No hardship, just a pain in the donkeys cousin. :(

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Not too sure Mandy. I thought it was in my wallet but it is nowhere to be seen, not even in the washing. Have to pay the ?7 fee for Traci's Dad to cancel it and write me another now. No hardship, just a pain in the donkeys cousin. :(

Traci's not that bad that her dad's gotta pay you to go out with her is she  :-\ :-\ :-\ :D :D :D
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spending quite a few hours trying to change the wheel bearing on the gf's car, nothing would move rather annoyed with it. finally got it all back together with only the brakes to bleed and the bl***y blead screw broke in the hole now going to have to dismanle the brakes again to try and get it out >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

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The mortgage broker (that I had to use cos Barratt Homes wouldn't give me the discounts and incentives on my new home if I didn't use him), totally messing up my mortgate calculations, resulting in a shortfall, which although not insurmountable is very embarrassing >:(

And I really want to be in my new house by Christmas :'( :'(

Sounds like a bit of sharp practice to me - no-one should be obliged to use one professional over another.  I had a similar problem but it was our buyer's solicitor who mis-calculated the "under 5-year sale" payment due on the council house they had bought and they were short on the purchase price.  Contract to pay it off worked for 6 months and then they split up, sold up and I never got the rest.

Hang in there Mandy - it WILL work out

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Nothing yet today... but I'm still cross from yesterday >:(

Now then Wilson.... lets start the day on a positive note shall we....some calming excercises are needed..... big breaths in.... ummm.... I like the look of that... .hold that for a minute or two while I get my camera will ya  :P:-[:D :D
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Now then Wilson.... lets start the day on a positive note shall we....some calming excercises are needed..... big breaths in.... ummm.... I like the look of that... .hold that for a minute or two while I get my camera will ya  :P:-[:D :D

oh yes it would be good to see that  :) :) gee mrs M you get annoyed alot

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Thanks Sue... and I'm cross for your milk too now >:(


Never mind the milk... think about the poor fly... they are all gods creatures you know  >:(

Actually... a true story from yesterday...

I popped over to see my mate Clive for a cuppa (he's on the same industrial estate up the other end)... so I am walking along... and Zip... a fly goes right up my left nostril... just as I am breathing in (and walking up a grass bank... so I was puffing well - throttle fully open)... anyway... I put my finger up my nose... as you would, and pulled out a dead fly....

Cross as I was... I thought.... look at it from the fly's perspective.... only on the planet for a few days (possibly hours)... and the poor little fella ends up up my hooter... what a way to go  :o

The moral of this story... there is always someone worse off than you I guess  :-\

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Never mind the milk... think about the poor fly... they are all gods creatures you know  >:(

Actually... a true story from yesterday...

I popped over to see my mate Clive for a cuppa (he's on the same industrial estate up the other end)... so I am walking along... and Zip... a fly goes right up my left nostril... just as I am breathing in (and walking up a grass bank... so I was puffing well - throttle fully open)... anyway... I put my finger up my nose... as you would, and pulled out a dead fly....

Cross as I was... I thought.... look at it from the fly's perspective.... only on the planet for a few days (possibly hours)... and the poor little fella ends up up my hooter... what a way to go  :o

The moral of this story... there is always someone worse off than you I guess  :-\

ha ha haa haaaa haaaaa - what an ending  ;D ;D :'(

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Never mind the milk... think about the poor fly... they are all gods creatures you know  >:(

Actually... a true story from yesterday...

I popped over to see my mate Clive for a cuppa (he's on the same industrial estate up the other end)... so I am walking along... and Zip... a fly goes right up my left nostril... just as I am breathing in (and walking up a grass bank... so I was puffing well - throttle fully open)... anyway... I put my finger up my nose... as you would, and pulled out a dead fly....

Cross as I was... I thought.... look at it from the fly's perspective.... only on the planet for a few days (possibly hours)... and the poor little fella ends up up my hooter... what a way to go  :o

The moral of this story... there is always someone worse off than you I guess  :-\

D'you know what... I read this story on Sue's post and knew who'd written it without even looking at the original poster's info... some things can only happen to certain people... :D

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Never mind the milk... think about the poor fly... they are all gods creatures you know  >:(

Actually... a true story from yesterday...

I popped over to see my mate Clive for a cuppa (he's on the same industrial estate up the other end)... so I am walking along... and Zip... a fly goes right up my left nostril... just as I am breathing in (and walking up a grass bank... so I was puffing well - throttle fully open)... anyway... I put my finger up my nose... as you would, and pulled out a dead fly....

Cross as I was... I thought.... look at it from the fly's perspective.... only on the planet for a few days (possibly hours)... and the poor little fella ends up up my hooter... what a way to go  :o

The moral of this story... there is always someone worse off than you I guess  :-\

i wonder whats worse for a fly to fly up your hooter or hit the windscreen of your car while your driving??

has'nt much hope either way Marky..... :)

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