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What really annoyed you today

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An item finishing on ebay at 12.15 tonight,

I want it and also want to go to bed  :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :'(

So - did you get it or did you go to bed?

It is snowing here and I have dogs to walk before getting on the road for Spalding. That means I will have to change before I go.

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Now I am really Annoyed, fed up and disappointed.

Left home at 7.00 for Spalding, light snow covering until I got 2 miles north and then it was a whiteout.  Road was 6 inches deep in snow, no gritters had been through and I was slipping and sliding trying to get up Hurstbourne Hill, going down the other side a car that was catching me up lost it completely and went straight into the verge and a snowbank. I have ABS but also was cadence braking to keep my speed down.  It finally took me nearly an hour to reach Newbury (all of 14 miles) where I gave up and it took me almost as long to get home taking care to avoid the A343 by taking the long route.  A34 was single track in the deep snow, five large lorries had stopped altogether on the carriageway and I was very glad when a gritter fitted with a snowplough came on at a slip road ahead of me.

Blast, bother and B*****ration

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Sorry to here that sue, makes me happy we are still in summer over here, when i come over next year i think im going to stay at spalding to avoid disapointment ;)

Hope your day gets better

Thanks - I hope you are having a good summer.  A couple of days ago it was bright sun and high temperatures and we all thought Spring had arrived.  Now it is below freezing and the gritter has just sped through the village (so much for 30mph!)

I am stil sooooooooooooooo disappointed as I was looking forward to the show and catching up with all the guys and gals.  It was going to be a real treat for me to get out and I am now depressed.

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still feeling ill >:(, woke up not feeling great today, left house for Spalding and was sweating more than Barry at a weight watchers club :D :D :D :D, got there with wife and nearly went straight home as felt really bad!, managed to walk around and chat to people but feeling ill really dampened my enthusiasm....i only spent under ?10....which is a good thing i guess? ???

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still feeling ill >:(, woke up not feeling great today, left house for Spalding and was sweating more than Barry at a weight watchers club :D :D :D :D, got there with wife and nearly went straight home as felt really bad!, managed to walk around and chat to people but feeling ill really dampened my enthusiasm....i only spent under ?10....which is a good thing i guess? ???

Give yourself some tlc (hot milk and brandy/whisky/rum or just forget the milk and enjoy the tipple )

At least you made it to Spalding.  Like Kris I am fed up - same list sort of applies

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still feeling ill >:(, woke up not feeling great today, left house for Spalding and was sweating more than Barry at a weight watchers club :D :D :D :D, got there with wife and nearly went straight home as felt really bad!, managed to walk around and chat to people but feeling ill really dampened my enthusiasm[glow=red,2,300]....i only spent under ?10....which is a good thing i guess?[/glow] ???

And that was just to get in

Nice to see you though FB

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still feeling ill >:(, woke up not feeling great today, left house for Spalding and was sweating more than Barry at a weight watchers club :D :D :D :D, got there with wife and nearly went straight home as felt really bad!, managed to walk around and chat to people but feeling ill really dampened my enthusiasm....i only spent under ?10....which is a good thing i guess? ???

Wondered why you weren't very talkative!! what a day to get ill though mate, real bad luck...

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Taking 6 odd hours to get home no snow till exeter then only a light dust but cars all over the place , wrong way upside down all sorts and in both directions all in a 5 mile strech from the bottom of haldon hill to kingstenton made it through just as they shut the road and forced a 35 mile detour

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i swear on my life if i had the chance to creating laws the first would be to f'kn ban alcohol from the globe...creates soooo many problems.... not saying why.. personal reasons ;)

Can you retract that statment please you shouldn't be involed with it at you age anyway  :o :o :o
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the battery on my quad wont hold charge  any ideas ??

Check the fluid on the battery cells, from personal experience small engine/motorcycle batteries have an extremely hard time holding a charge if below 5ish degrees, particularly if the fluids are low.  ;)

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Taking 6 odd hours to get home no snow till exeter then only a light dust but cars all over the place , wrong way upside down all sorts and in both directions all in a 5 mile strech from the bottom of haldon hill to kingstenton made it through just as they shut the road and forced a 35 mile detour

Can't believe that Sean!! We were sitting nice and comfy in the house at teignmouth, only light snow in the pm evening - not settling!! When we went to westpoint int he motrning there was hardly any snow on the ground. Still one 4x4 off the road on Haldon moor though.

Should have let you know the phone number and addy - you could have popped in for a coffee!!

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Can't believe that Sean!! We were sitting nice and comfy in the house at teignmouth, only light snow in the pm evening - not settling!! When we went to westpoint int he motrning there was hardly any snow on the ground. Still one 4x4 off the road on Haldon moor though.

Should have let you know the phone number and addy - you could have popped in for a coffee!!

i know, you could see it drifting over there as i cane down past the otherside of exeter, ,2 cops went flying past, and i thn found out where, never seen so much chaos caused by so little snow mate, was like a dodgem pasrk when i went through :D

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i know, you could see it drifting over there as i cane down past the otherside of exeter, ,2 cops went flying past, and i thn found out where, never seen so much chaos caused by so little snow mate, was like a dodgem pasrk when i went through :D

The snow came, froze and went. You may only have seen a couple of inches as I did at home when I left but within a few miles it changed, getting worse as I went north.

In Newbury I was axle deep in snow, then frozen slush.  The Newbury ring road had 5 lorries stopped on the hill leading away from the Bone Lane roundabout and a tanker following me only just made it to the top. I finally got onto the A34 southbound and was very pleased when a gritter fitted with a snow plough came down a slip road ahead of me.  Conditions then improved.

Getting as far as Newbury took me the best part of an hour with the car slipping and sliding in a whiteout bllizzard at one point (all lights on).  I should have been passing Oxford by the time I reached the A34 but because of the road conditions and judging by the queue moving on the A34 I decided to return home and that took me another hour by the longer but less hilly route.

When I did get home there was little snow in my village and if I had not experienced it I would not have beleived it. 

Now I am not a weekend driver, I have driven in some pretty awful conditions including in Kent during 1986 when 7 feet of snow fell over one weekend and I drove 33 miles to Maidstone on the Monday. Yesterday it was a case of me knowing what I was doing but a car behind me, travelling much faster than I was prepared to, lost it on a bend on a nasty downhill section and went headfirst into the hedge. 

Too many idiots on the road who think they are safe. 

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seriously sue, by the time i got there, you could see the grass through it, and the roads were just wet, i was say?? 10 mins after the coppers at a guess, and from the distance i was when i saw the cloud you could see through it, but still they all crashed, its quite a twisty bit of road, so maybe they were caught out, if you know it well and its dry its a great bit of raod to drive, but wet or icey, slow down, 

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It was bizarre, as a general rule few people can drive on snow in this country.

I had to detour on the way out to Spalding in the morning because some numpty had rolled his car on a bank. I got sent into lanes which were white over to get round him.

No one reads the road ahead anymore, they just hoof on the brakes too late when things have started to go wrong. Too much momentum, that's the problem.

So that annoyed me yesterday. And the 3 points & ?60 fine I picked up on the way from Stamford to Spalding. I was too excited yesterday to even register this as an annoyance!!  ;):D

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I've discovered I can't fit my models in their designated cupboards. Really annoying!

Re-jig needed. Again.  >:(

I feel your pain brother Simon... ditto for me buddy... Oooo the dilemma ... I've had to completely re-think my cabinet... with Mrs F watching... I'm sure she was looking to see what's new and whats not  :o :o :-[ :'(

Isn't it amazing how... when faced with 'make room for it or don't buy it' ... or worse still 'get rid of something' we can always manage to just squeeze things in ok  ;D

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