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What really annoyed you today

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Bridgwater.... >:(

Bloomin' roadworks on the Taunton Road holding up my deliveries. One lady was waiting for a birthday cake for her little boy and it had to be there by 3pm for the party... just made it by 2.50... thought i was gonna have to park the van and walk it up the road to her.


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Bridgwater.... >:(

Bloomin' roadworks on the Taunton Road holding up my deliveries. One lady was waiting for a birthday cake for her little boy and it had to be there by 3pm for the party... just made it by 2.50... thought i was gonna have to park the van and walk it up the road to her.


super mandy to the rescue eh  :D :D :D,

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Bridgwater.... >:(

Bloomin' roadworks on the Taunton Road holding up my deliveries. One lady was waiting for a birthday cake for her little boy and it had to be there by 3pm for the party... just made it by 2.50... thought i was gonna have to park the van and walk it up the road to her.


What a silly cow leaving it until the day... people make me cross.. I'd have 'accidently' dropped the cake on the way to the door  ;D
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What a silly cow leaving it until the day... people make me cross.. I'd have 'accidently' dropped the cake on the way to the door  ;D

Wasn't clever was it... but all my drops were late and I had to ring everyone on the way... nightmare it was. One chap was really sh*tty - apparently I'd ruined his morning... but his wife was really lovely and even offered me a cup of tea when I arrived :)

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this old mate of mine has been annoying me the past 2 times ive seen him, he first made fun of my mates at young farmers, calling him fat, then he kept talking and taken the urine behind my back and various things, and said something about my dad. a group of other mates but i dont run about with, weer wanting to hit him last weekend. i now havnt spoken to this guy in a week, ignored his texts, msn messages etc. ok, so this girl is just after telling me that this guy that was annoying me called this guy with special needs a retard and apparently he squared up to him for a laugh. this has got me soooo angry. now he is definitly getting hit next time i see him >:( swear i will. this guy is just acting like this to show off and impress the girl that told me about it, obviously it's not working as she was so annoyed about it. he shows off, acts the hard lad, wears his black helly hanson coat and trys to be hard. will be interesting to see how hard he is when i punch him ;)

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On top of everything else the ward that Stu is in has today had a case of MRSA Virus.  As if he hasn't got enough to worry about. 

sorry to here that Sue may i ask do they no what is wrong with stu Keep your chin up if you need somone to talk to just pm me  ;) probable wont be much help  ;):-*

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Bridgwater.... >:(

Bloomin' roadworks on the Taunton Road holding up my deliveries. One lady was waiting for a birthday cake for her little boy and it had to be there by 3pm for the party... just made it by 2.50... thought i was gonna have to park the van and walk it up the road to her.


Bridgwater is always choc-a-bloc without roadworks, went college there for 2 years and spent 1 year stuck in traffic  :D :D

What annoyed me today? Siku still not releasing May's releases, I want that Valtra  >:(

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My sister was taken into hospital last night as she's pregnant with indentical twins and is almost due.

They took her to Royal Maternity hospital in Belfast, about 30 miles from us and then moved her to altnagelvin hospital in Derry as there were no beds available. Altnagelvin is just over 100 miles from us and 2.5 hours journey time away.

Really not impressed with the NHS!!!  >:(  >:(


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On top of everything else the ward that Stu is in has today had a case of MRSA Virus.  As if he hasn't got enough to worry about. 

Bloody hell Sue  >:( - As if things couldn't get any worse for Stu right now... that is really bad news - Poor old Stu.. Poor old you too....

As always... a Hug and a kiss for you... and a firm shake of the hand for Stu from all your FTF buddies.

I hope they get him sorted with anti-biotics for that PDQ then Sue  :-\

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I'm havin a blinding day but can't help be annoyed for Noel and Sue & Stu. Noel, hope everything is ok for the immenant arrival of your nephews/nieces. Sue, hope you can find enough to put a smile on for and I have everything crossed for Stu.

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Bloody hell Sue  >:( - As if things couldn't get any worse for Stu right now... that is really bad news - Poor old Stu.. Poor old you too....

As always... a Hug and a kiss for you... and a firm shake of the hand for Stu from all your FTF buddies.

I hope they get him sorted with anti-biotics for that PDQ then Sue  :-\

I'm havin a blinding day but can't help be annoyed for Noel and Sue & Stu. Noel, hope everything is ok for the immenant arrival of your nephews/nieces. Sue, hope you can find enough to put a smile on for and I have everything crossed for Stu.

They are still taking swabs to check for the MRSA virus.  Last set was clean but they are not taking chances.

I am keeping a smile on - at least when I visit him.  He gets awfully depressed at times and the radiotherapy is making him feel nauseous otherwise he is being positive about coming home.  No, he is DETERMINED he is going to come home and so am I.

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They are still taking swabs to check for the MRSA virus.  Last set was clean but they are not taking chances.

I am keeping a smile on - at least when I visit him.  He gets awfully depressed at times and the radiotherapy is making him feel nauseous otherwise he is being positive about coming home.  No, he is DETERMINED he is going to come home and so am I.

he will Sue i no it  :-*:-*

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No just been wiring up a conservatory all day  :'( :'( :'( :'(   nope i reckon the weather's gonna do what it done last year nice up untill middle of June then let the heavens open  ;D ;D ;D

So you've been hot and bothered all day then darling... and then some woman texts you about a pottinger :D

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