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What really annoyed you today

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Used or new Luke?

What annoyed me? Getting to the haulage yard 15mins earlier than yesterday morning with the aim to get done earlier on the same run. . . Gates locked, now half an hour later!

Oh hang on, night run boys are here with gate keys. Time to wake up the horses under my Volvo!!

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Hitched the 6475 onto the Portequip trailer ready to bring it home loaded with 12 silage bales, got to the gate, was away to close it when I heard the hiss...... >:( >:(

Blooming  puncture on the trailer......Reversed the trailer all the way back to the shed, unratcheted the bales, put the ratchets on the other trailer and then came home...... :o :o

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Hitched the 6475 onto the Portewuip trailer ready to bring it home loaded with 12 silage bales, got to the gate, was away to close it when I heard the hiss...... >:( >:(

Blooming  puncture on the trailer......Reversed the trailer all the way back to the shed, unratcheted the bales, put the ratchets on the other trailer and then came home...... :o :o

should have taken the fergy one mate  :D :D :D

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Coming up the notorious narrow winding main road named "Zig Zag" near work with the 6520 & McConnel Rhino topper which overhangs a fair amount. We always send someone up top to stop the traffic normally, but even with a tractor parked in the middle of the road, all lights  and beacons on people persist to push through  ???

Until they meet me and have to reverse alllll the way back  ;D ;D

I've had the finger a few times today!

Oh and when I met 2 coaches on Zig Zag, the idiot woman driver behind me wouldn't reverse when I had to, so i practically touched her bumper and she was shrugging her shoulders as if to say "What am I meant to do I cant reverse i'm a woman"

(p.s I know some woman can reverse well)  ;) Mandy & Sue I bet your brilliant  ;)

Did I cover myself there? Good  ;D

Yeah but on the whole nothing bad annoyed me just the traffic.

Oh and the woman who stopped in a green light in her Corsa then stalled and by the time I got there it went red  >:(

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The rain  :'( :'(

All our barleys ready half OSR is ready to be cut and we cant move to wheel until earliest sat/sun after 2 inches of rain today, all i want to do is get going cant wait :D

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Getting up early (05.00) to leave at 05.50 to negotiate the poxy M25 for a meeting at 09.00 just outside London.

I turned up slightly early and because the guy I was meeting wasn't remotely prepared I then had to wait while he printed off the minutes from the last meeting and went through them.

He then came down to see me with some irrelevant points hurriedly scribbled on his paperwork and tried to appear nonchalant about the whole thing >:(

What really annoyed me was that after all this malarkey he then had the cheek to state that these meetings seem to be a waste of time because we don't achieve much as a result of having them....you don't say ???

Complete waste of my time, I should of stayed in bed and I subtly told both him and boss as much too  ;D

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a old lady out walking her dog today, came up the hill towards us, must have seen us both stood there, proceeds to allow her dof to p1ss all over our tent and guards, when we shouted at her to stop it, all we got was a reallly sarcastic smug simle and a sorry, which very clearly she didnt mean  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( really enjoy picking up kit after thats happend

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a old lady out walking her dog today, came up the hill towards us, must have seen us both stood there, proceeds to allow her dof to p1ss all over our tent and guards, when we shouted at her to stop it, all we got was a reallly sarcastic smug simle and a sorry, which very clearly she didnt mean  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( really enjoy picking up kit after thats happend

>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(gggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr that makes me so mad
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you should have turned round and pee'd on the dog Sean or followed her home then pee'd up her front door  :D :D :D

we nearly followed so we could have an accident with her phone tonight, but it was hammering down, and we were wet enough,

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another bad day at the office for me, and to top it of i broke a tooth on something at lunchtime, think it was a bit of grisstle in my pasty, so currently sat in  a little bit of pain  ooooouuuccchhhh sorry a fair bit of pain,

Cornish pasty was it :D :D :D::)

sorry, couldnt resist!

know how you feel though, done that before >:(

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