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What really annoyed you today

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you sure?? our lot have to use squegy style brooms now to make sure no excess waters left, even with signs out, h&s gone mad, but worth checking into if there was water left

dont give him ideas, it will be us that pays! >:( >:(>:(............ :D :D :D::)

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better be quicker with mine, all built now and awating a delivery date, only paid for it saturday morn

It would have been nice if they at least told me it would be delayed. I also asked if I could get a faster shiping method and they said I could but it would delay it even further. How hard is it to go into the computer and write that when my order is ready make it ship faster.  ???:D Well they say good things come to those who wait right?


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I put my back out  :-X  :o:P:-[:->:( :'(

I seem unable to change position without whimpering like a baby so now that I'm sat here you might be stuck with me all night...!  :D

I must have twisted awkwardly throwing the bags of coal into the back of the Disco at the garage.... yowch.... :-X:-\ :-[

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I put my back out  :-X  :o:P:-[:->:( :'(

I seem unable to change position without whimpering like a baby so now that I'm sat here you might be stuck with me all night...!  :D

I must have twisted awkwardly throwing the bags of coal into the back of the Disco at the garage.... yowch.... :-X:-\ :-[

is that some new kinda dance craze then Simon :-\, would you like to share it with us? ???.................. :D :D

trip to a swedish massaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage parlour i think ;D ;D ;D ;D

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Wallet... ??? Is that what they call them... ??? I thought there was another name for them... ??? what was it now.... :-\ oh yes  ;D a safe... ;):D

indeedio......i havent got any :D :D :D, used one in Tesco earlier ;)

Used one... ??? or used THE one..... ;)

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Poor Ben...Dont you have any respect for our longest serving mod lads  ;)

Back on topic....  ;)

That bliming tightwad FB for whinging about Liverpool... he knows they were lucky so ssshhhh  :D :D

And err another broken Weise model not reaching its destination in one piece ...about 5 by the looks of it  >:( >:(

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its kinda ironic really, all our nicknames are the complete opposite to what we are.... :D  :D :D :D :D ::)

anyway, just waiting for Marky to get out of bed and post in here........having text him at 7.40am :D :D :D

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But Marky has a bignose, Tris is a hobbit, I am fat, 1/32 farmer is obsessed by SATNAV, Andy is the Boss, Si is well a pi**head, Sean is a weirdo, I am fatty Shrek ugly slug etc etc and Ben you are a tightwad  :D :D

Sorry for those I have left out butit is early...

back on topic.....Office drinks machine has no coffeeeee  :o :o

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But Marky has a bignose, Tris is a hobbit, I am fat, 1/32 farmer is obsessed by SATNAV, Andy is the Boss, Si is well a pi**head, Sean is a weirdo, I am fatty Shrek ugly slug etc etc and Ben you are a tightwad  :D :D

Sorry for those I have left out butit is early...

back on topic.....Office drinks machine has no coffeeeee  :o :o


So... two points to my post now...

1. What annoyed me today.... some NUMPTY texting me whilst I am still in bed asking me if I am out on my tractor in the centre of Cambridge  >:(::):D :D

2. Shut it Sherlock... you are without question the tightest person I have ever met.... who else washes their cotton buds  :o::);D

The only one here that's not true is my cute little button nose... simple as that... As for Barry... his uglieness is very much understated really - he sure fell out of the ugly tree on more than one occasion and let me tell you, it had PLENTY of branches for him to bump into on the way down to earth  ;D

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dam national express coach up the back of my van today, i am doign 70 limited in the van, hes pushing 75, starts flashing me to get out of his way, glares at me as he goes past, took his number and rang national express when i got to the exchange, gave them the info and pointe dout he should be limited to 56 60 tops on a m way or dual carrage way, which i think is 50 for him??, only to be told the bus is regesteread as limited and cant do the speed i told them, so i must be wrong, reported him to the police now, after that, he was full of passangers and honking along at 75 ish, thats just not right

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dam national express coach up the back of my van today, i am doign 70 limited in the van, hes pushing 75, starts flashing me to get out of his way, glares at me as he goes past, took his number and rang national express when i got to the exchange, gave them the info and pointe dout he should be limited to 56 60 tops on a m way or dual carrage way, which i think is 50 for him??, only to be told the bus is regesteread as limited and cant do the speed i told them, so i must be wrong, reported him to the police now, after that, he was full of passangers and honking along at 75 ish, thats just not right

man oh man

i think you did the right thing sean could have caused  an accident there

yeah i know what you mean there is a couple of them up here and they just burn about every where at high speeds

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