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What really annoyed you today

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school annoyed me i hate all the teachers the suduts  >:( >:(

im not going to go back because im always being bulled  :-\

i walk around at school on my own i feel like a ideat and a looner  :-[

Hello Luke, Jo here - we have not spoken before but because of my son Cerin, I know that life has not been easy for you recently - losing your Mum and now this happening to you at school. I've read what everyone else has said to you and there's some good advice there.  The main thing to remember is that you are not alone - we are all here to support you, like a different kind of family.

My job is working for the Citizens Advice Bureau - I don't know if you have heard of it but it's pretty good. I got this website for you from my work www.bullying.co.uk - people have said it's helpful. Give it try.

Meanwhile keep talking to your mates on FTF - you know it makes sense!  :)

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luke p you have everyone on ftf as mates ..tell me who they are and i will sort them out , i was never picked on , but i hate bullys ...allways go for the mouthy one the rest will soon run away

thanks tractorbob  ;)

Hello Luke, Jo here - we have not spoken before but because of my son Cerin, I know that life has not been easy for you recently - losing your Mum and now this happening to you at school. I've read what everyone else has said to you and there's some good advice there.  The main thing to remember is that you are not alone - we are all here to support you, like a different kind of family.

My job is working for the Citizens Advice Bureau - I don't know if you have heard of it but it's pretty good. I got this website for you from my work - bullying.co.uk - people have said it's helpful. Give it try.

Meanwhile keep talking to your mates on FTF - you know it makes sense!  :)

i give it a go massey boys mum thank
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Now then Lukey boy... Uncle Marky is here for some advice too...

1.  Its already been said... but as I am an old Fart I will say it again.... your mates are all here buddy - the next time one of those low-lifed losers picks on you... just think to yourself in your head that you have some real true friends... not people who judge you on what your shoes are like... how you cut your hair... who you hang about with... the words you use.. I could go on.

When they grow up they (the bullies) will realise that true friendship is based upon mutual respect, human kindness and a TRUE desire to consider your welfare and feelings.

Sadly buddy... it's going to keep happening.... so point 2 coming up...

2. (see told you it was coming) - now take this in - I am an EXPERT at this... I studied it at the Marky University.

Two key words... BODY LANGUAGE - Although young Adam is right about 'clocking' one or two of them - there is no need to stoop that low - By BODY LANGUAGE you can soon get them off your back... The FIRST RULE - it's all in the eyes mate - staring someone in the eyes while you are telling them they are really not funny (and telling them to get lost) will tell them (without the need for words really) that you are no pushover - Try it on someone you know... pertend and practice - Sounds like a load of old tosh... but it REALLY does work mate -Don't overdo it - be natural

RULE TWO - never step back - stand tall and (while looking people in the eyes) stand square on to them - fold your arms if you must - I don't mean face to face (like pressing foreheads together)... once again this is subtle but it works mate - try it

RULE THREE - the war of the words - talk over people - be ASSERTIVE when you speak Luke - when someone is trying to be smart - don;t let them get a word in edgeways - think in advance what you are going to say (in general) and then let it all come out.. calm. slowly... but DO NOT stop to let them come back at you until you have finished your whole... long... assertive, one sided conversation.

Do that lot and they wil soon realise that you have lost the target they thought you had on your back.

You must go to Spalding Luke - I am more than happy to show you what I mean mate - it's quite hard to put into words really  :-\

Lastly... keep you chin up and hold you head high Luke - I'd prefer one of you to 1,000 of them mate - bullys ALL lack self confidence - to pick on you is their mechanism to divert attention away from their own shortcomings.

Remember... FTF is your buddy... each and every one of us - keep smiling chap - life gets better when those around you grow up and learn to behave like adults  ;)

Oi... you still awake ???  :-[:D :D

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hi luke

        i have worked as a bouncer as i have to agree with marky, its all about the way you stand and the way you look ( and i dont mean dress sence) . you should stand tall, chin up and always keep your hands in front of you, that way you can use your hands to protect your self if the need arises also what we were told was you should always keep a tug at arms lenght away, (is your personal space), and talk over them be firm but not aggressive, you should always stay calm dont let them wind you up,

you can always tell us any thing on here, we will always listen

i hope this helps good luck jason

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Marky you are now in charge of the Dear Aunty Jo column! Well said, well said, well said! It is hard to put it into words but you did very well there mate.

When I started the job I have now I was subjected to a bully - and, as we know, they come in the most unexpected shapes, sizes and colours. This one was a lot younger than me and tried to convince everyone that I was a real nasty piece of work who didn't have a clue about anything.  She was real sneaky and she even sunk to the depths of stealing stuff from my work personal file and accusing me of discriminating against one of our volunteers who is deaf. To be honest - I was gob-smacked - the last time anything like this had happened to me was when I was Luke P's age at school.

You think it won't really get to you but it does. You think it's you, and question everything you do - you can't believe you are being bullied, but you are. It's horrible and it's scarey but you have to deal with it or sink. I got help from my lovely family who stuck by me - they said 'don't leave' and 'stay calm' and 'you are not imagining this' etc. Because of them I got through it and also, because I had faith in myself (which you must too young Luke p).

So, Luke P, listen to us old farts because we do have an idea of how hard it is and we are definately here for YOU (sorry Mods but surely this is an appropriate use of Capitals?)

I am now in the best job I could ever have imagined and she is not. You have to live with the consequences of your actions and that's what the bullies find out eventually

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dont go giving up luke, stick with it mate, might seem hard at the mo given recent problems at home, ,but i am sure you mum would be very proud of you if you dont give up,most of us hate school , i certainly did, just wanted to be on the farm, ,but i wouldnt be doing the job i am now and earning the money i am now without doing it, as for the bullys, satnd proud and tall like amrky and steve said ,and they will soon leave you alone, its as much about image as anything else, if they think you can fight back, they wont bother picking on you

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Luke Matey.

I agree 100% with what Marky and Jo said.

Your Freinds are here as well matey.

I have hardly any freinds apart from here.

And the very few i do have, are mostly older than me, like my Dads mates..

BUT, i get on well with pretty much everyone on here.

Maybe i was a bit harsh with giving them a wack.

But again, i never did stand up, i just let them do there think and didnt say anything or do anything as i was worried about getting in to trouble.

But now i have learnt, you cant let people walk over you, however hard it maybe.


Dads mate came over  when i was the only one home, nice bloke but he has a dog and doenst contol it.

He  asked if he could let his dog out, i said yes.

Big mistake the dog chased the ducks and went for the rabbits in the hutch. Dads mate (Dave) Didnt do anything.

I tryed hinting to him to call it back, but no, i was the one trying to pull it away from the duck and rabbits.

It then fowled all over the lawn, again dave didnt take any notice and watched me clear it up, i was getting fed up now as the dog was back chasing the ducks.

Cut a long story short, i didnt ask him to put it back in the car.

WHY? Because i was shy of asking, he may have been offended.

But after all your your own person.

You cant let people control you even if your shy of saying somthing.

I know the dog thing  is diffent to your case, but the points are the same mate.

As Marky says make them think your not scared, and not going to let them walk over you.

If all else fails, give them a wack on the nose. Yes, the worst case is you may get told off. But they wont bother you again.

I let people walk over me for fear of getting told of at school, but its not worth it mate.

Even though i didnt get bullied to much later on in school, infact i was lucky, people were very supportive of me.

I know what fear and worry are like mate. Keep stong Buddy, and rember WE ARE ALL HERE FOR YOU.

Pm me or anyone if you need us matey :) :) :) :) :)

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hey luke, feel so bad for you :-[

try this... a girl in my school was getting bullied so she went to see the councler, she was told to agree with everything the bully said. example- bully says 'your stupid' , you say ' yep i totally agree!'. i know this may seem stupid but after a fortnight the bully cleared off because he realised he could offend her!

simple and effective ;)

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Luke one of the most important things we learn is that we are not the only ones......there are lots of kids your age feeling left out or pushed out or singled out.....One thing you can do be a friend to someone who may not be as popular as others are, reach out to them in some small kind way.  It will empower you and give you a sense of worthiness..........Don't stop there though, one of the best thing you can do for yourself is a random act of kindness and that does not mean at your school.....Do something kind for someone you live near, anything small, will do.  Help someone elder person clean their yard or assist them in some kind of project.  The concept is that when you give something of yourself to another person it will make you feel so empowered, so valuable that you will will soon learn that the bullies are not even worth dealing with.......You are valued........if you want to see a perfect example of it watch the movie "pay it forward".........

Never allow yourself to get into a "word war" with these bullies because it is what they want.....it a no win situation they don't care what you say, no matter how logical you are they dont care...they have one goal and that is to cause you pain......separate yourself from them...avoid them they are worthless to you......that does not mean you run away it means you cant be bothered with them..go seek friends who have some common interest....they are there you just have to look for them........

As far as teachers there has to be at least one who has a good heart....seek that teacher out and always start a sentence with "I",   like "I need some advice", "I would like to know", " I need some help"..........these "I" messages will make the teacher less defensive remember everyone in school seems to hate them so when you approach them with an "I" message they are going to feel safe and will be more then willing to listen.........

Luke I spent 30 years as a counselor for young people who dealt with depression, anger, rage and loss....if you want to talk pm me and I promise I will respond to every pm you send me.....If it's not me then find someone else you can share with.........

And the guys and gals here are right we are your extended family and we care about you so never hesitate to share here with your family......

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I think we should have a counselling stand at Spalding - we could share hourly slots, charge a reasonable rate then divide it and spend it on models. Luke P getting first choice.

Adam -your example story was really good.

Thanks Jo, diffent to Luke but trying to get the same point accross.

Good Idea Jo. I bet the would be quite a que

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