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They used to do contracting and had this for the smaller livestock farms where the set up couldn't keep up with a big machine out in the field. Now I think it just does the barley or something and thats it.

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Oh what annoyed me my boss has now taken away my last and final job i was supposed to do on a tractor i was supposed to do setaside mowing when harvest finished along with rolling and i was promised this, but the set-aside he got our polish bloke to do  >:( and now the tractor for rolling has now been hired out so i wont get any tractor work at all now and with the 926 now got pernaement driver i'm not needed on that  :'( :'( :'( >:(  ah well still annoying as i was promised it  :'(

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A parking ticket on my car after going to the cinema at Milton Keynes. Especially as I had a valid parking ticket displayed - or so I thought!!!

Turns out the car park is owned by two lots of people - I parked in one firms area and bought a ticket from the wrong machine!!!!

I will fight it all the way - bloody ridiculous.

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letter came in the post today telling me to get a dog licence........ in big bold writing on top was final notice and down the page a bit in bold underlined writing it said detach payment slip in ANY POST OFFICE, so i went along to the nearest one to me where i was informed " O im sorry we dont do that"  >:( its not so much the fact they dont do it that annoys me its more the fact that everything in this country is made as difficult as possible by public bodies and even do they tell you do one thing when you go out of your way to do it ur informed it must be done a different way.............. and what really really annoyed me was the fact i went all the way into town then to pay it and almost got a parking ticket when i was parked outside the post office for a whole 5mins, where do they expect me to park the nearest car park was half a mile away and it was pouring

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A dozey tart not indicating on a roundabout in Tiverton. . .  Good job I have got 12 brakes thats all I can say. She did it on the next roundabout and the van and trailer with ride-on mower got the shakes aswell. Why do people think when turning right on a roundabout you don't need to use your right indicator??????  >:( >:(>:( >:(

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5 of the most total w*****S going operating 1 hugh drilling rig and a huge vibrating concrete pum thingy, that have just cut of the main sainsburys in plymouth completly ,that they had to shut, who refused to stop working despite the main builder agent, sainsbury sw area manager ect telling them to do so ,so we could repair the nicely spiradle up cables they had cut clean in two, despite having markers across the site, ended with the police onsite  stopping them with a huge argument and 2 being arrested and charged with afray, just got home after 3 hrs sat in a sh**y hole ,(propers**T to) doing a repair, to get them back on,with a copper watching as the damagers came back and tried to continue working, have now been sacked on the spot and escorted of site, all kit impounded by builders till they pay up for damage and  only then can they remove it

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Out to Cullompton, yes thats the roundabout i'm thinking about, hows the maize going on the left towards Cullompton, take any notice?

Didn't notice anything in particular but if this we weather keeps up there ain't going to be a break between cereal and maize harvest. All over the place it is looking fantastic!!

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