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PS.. I think Boots the Chemists do them in different sizes for the 'luckier male'  ;)

Doh! that will teach me to read what I have written before I hit post  :-[:-[ :-[:-[ :-[:-[

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Erghhh.... Yuuuuuuck Mike... what you and you 'work colleagues' do is your own business.... after all... who are we to judge.. but please.... spare us the gory details next time..

PS.. I think Boots the Chemists do them in different sizes for the 'luckier male'  ;)

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: busted Mike,, too bad the numpty award is not still around........

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Their not pups if I understand so what do you think is behind the behavior.....??  There must be a way of dealing with it through training of some kind.. Unless their just too old...........normally dont think a older dog would be into chewing...wonder if it is stress related from their past??

They are both 5 years old and are ex-racers but have never been ill-treated as Jane loves all her dogs and always works hard to find good homes for retired racers (or keeps them herself). 

Spooky is now coming out of her shell as she is extremely nervous.  She was the runt of the litter and the puppy who cowered in the corner while her siblings came to the front.  She is now enjoying my company and likes to play when the mood is on her.  The chair arm is mouth height and I think she just thought it would be good to chew (like the corner of the table).  As I caught her in the act I was able to scold her, something you cannot do otherwise because you do not know which dog and in the main dogs only remember the LAST thing they did which may not have been chewing the furniture!

I will win - eventually.

I will stop it

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They are both 5 years old and are ex-racers but have never been ill-treated as Jane loves all her dogs and always works hard to find good homes for retired racers (or keeps them herself). 

Spooky is now coming out of her shell as she is extremely nervous.  She was the runt of the litter and the puppy who cowered in the corner while her siblings came to the front.  She is now enjoying my company and likes to play when the mood is on her.  The chair arm is mouth height and I think she just thought it would be good to chew (like the corner of the table).  As I caught her in the act I was able to scold her, something you cannot do otherwise because you do not know which dog and in the main dogs only remember the LAST thing they did which may not have been chewing the furniture!

I will win - eventually.

I will stop it

I know it's difficult when they  chew when you're not around, but with Lucy every time she had something in her mouth that she wasn't allowed to chew, we'd quickly remove it and replace it with one of her own toys that she was allowed to chew. We've never really had to tell her off and she's learnt not to touch anything (including all the vintage stuff we have lying around after auctions!) that doesn't belong to her. Hope this is of some help :)

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Some idiot undoing and opening the gate into one of the meadows our cows are on overnight last night. The cows had been free range for several hours having trampled through one 35 acre spud field, luckily keeping up one end of it  and then through a 66 acre wheat field which is where they stayed all huddled up one corner next to the gate to another meadow where another group of our cows are on. We will be putting a padlock on the field in future, strange that its the field next to the one our irrigation pipes were pulled about on the other week......coincidence? I think not >:(::)

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I know it's difficult when they  chew when you're not around, but with Lucy every time she had something in her mouth that she wasn't allowed to chew, we'd quickly remove it and replace it with one of her own toys that she was allowed to chew. We've never really had to tell her off and she's learnt not to touch anything (including all the vintage stuff we have lying around after auctions!) that doesn't belong to her. Hope this is of some help :)

Thnaks Mandy. These two do not seem to be interested in toys.  They ignore them.  In fact only one greyhound of mine has ever played with a toy and that was a huge squeaky bone. 

If either pick up anything (dead birds, rabbits etc) I do take it away - I am an expert in opening mouths.  Both are learning what "drop it" means and now respond fairly quickly to avoid having me remove it.  ::)

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We've got it all to come Sue, all being well we'll be the proud owners of one like this in October and no doubt shortly afterwards the proud owners of new furniture!  ::):-\ :laugh:


You are starting with a puppy so training will be easier because you are starting from scratch and can set the ground rules early-  although you will have to watch things like electric cables 'cos pups seem to be drawn to them.  I took on two adult dogs who have spent their previous lives in a kennel (although an extremely good one).  It is a fact that taking two together is harder than one at a time because a) you do not know which committed the misdeed and B) there is no older, settled dog to lead the way.

My lovely German Shepherd came to me at 6 weeks of age.  He was a darling all his life and even though he ended up 2 stone heavier than me by the time he was 2 years old he was never any trouble and he never did anything to upset me.  Enjoy your pup. I look forward to seeing the photos of your little darling.

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You are starting with a puppy so training will be easier because you are starting from scratch and can set the ground rules early-  although you will have to watch things like electric cables 'cos pups seem to be drawn to them.  I took on two adult dogs who have spent their previous lives in a kennel (although an extremely good one).  It is a fact that taking two together is harder than one at a time because a) you do not know which committed the misdeed and B) there is no older, settled dog to lead the way.

My lovely German Shepherd came to me at 6 weeks of age.  He was a darling all his life and even though he ended up 2 stone heavier than me by the time he was 2 years old he was never any trouble and he never did anything to upset me.  Enjoy your pup. I look forward to seeing the photos of your little darling.

Do you have any pics Sue? I'd love to see some if you would? I can't wait until October when the pup comes.

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Do you have any pictures Sue? I'd love to see some if you would? I can't wait until October when the pup comes.

I'll scan some (but not sure when).  I have photos of him from around 8 weeks onward. 

Having to wait for your pup tells me the breeder is a good one and has pups booked before they are born. 

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bugger both aunties involved here......can't get away with nothin anymore :-\  My what big ears that dog has........

Poor Rick.  Is 'oo being bullied then?  ::):D;D

As for my dog, he only had big ears while he was young - once he had grown to fit them they weren't big at all :)

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bullied hmmmmmm big ears or jug ears...grew out of them then....took a lot of growing then......too bad Marky can't use that excuse for his nose...... :D  errrr ahhh ok back to my side of the pond :-\

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Our so called computer Helpdesk at work , well India , now on my 7th call to them , every time I ring the engineer is not avaiable , so they will ring back , always ring when I am either driving or working with no way of getting online , they are now trying to report me for timewasting ????????? To my boss , keep telling them I am a mobile engineer not office based , to which they reply " well you can not be reporting this fault then sirs " . How the bloody hell do I then ?????? 

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Our so called computer Helpdesk at work , well India , now on my 7th call to them , every time I ring the engineer is not avaiable , so they will ring back , always ring when I am either driving or working with no way of getting online , they are now trying to report me for timewasting ??? ??? ??? To my boss , keep telling them I am a mobile engineer not office based , to which they reply " well you can not be reporting this fault then sirs " . How the bloody hell do I then ??? ???

Calm down, Sean. 

Simply get someone else to report the fault (preferably the boss on the grounds that they never call you back until you are out on a job) and then let them sort it out between them.


...you could report the helpdesk for being totally unhelpful by never being available when you need them.


...ask the boss for a new computer because you cannot get the current one to work for all the above reasons!

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