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What really annoyed you today

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the arse at work who tried to claim a joint i had donelast week and sit on the job all day doing nothing just changing the lables to get away with it, and then to top it off  he tried to  claim all the products off the job i am actually on, despite them all being for work i have done, a quick word in the car park and a threaten to knee cap him if he does soon sorted that one out, lets see how he wriggles of this one with the boss, as i got to him before he did and told him exactly what i had said to cover my self, and for once hes 100% behind me , tommorrow will be intresting me thinks :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Still having problems with SagePay setting up my acceptance of Bank of Ireland Maestro. The whole process has been painful and I would not recommend this company to anyone needing to accept credit card payments. Over two months to process the application and now they can't even agree with the Merchant Bank that they recommended whether or not their systems can process Maestro.  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(

I've explained to the rep that the only reason I went with Sagepay (instead of Paypal) is because they accept this credit card >:( >:(>:( >:(

Very unhappy >:( >:(>:(

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Happened to me too with a halfords tin a year or so ago in my spray booth! Went of with a hell of bang, and the nozzle ended up the other side of workshop, And my arm turned cream!  :of  ::)

Same here although I didn't get painted jd green myself luckly but hell did I jump some , cap broke the window in the shed , no idea why it went as all I had done was shake it ready to use
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Employers........ The distinct one way communication with the ones ive had the <insert as appropriate> to attempt to get a job with. "send us your CV blah blah.........." Still waiting for any signs of life at the other end.

careers advice sites -> They are all trying to help you get a job but none seem to be able to agree on a half decent procedure on producing a CV/covering letter. in short the contradict each other.

DVLA!!!!!!! lets just say im now questioning the legal status of a vehicle. got the tax class changed of my toy on the farm to an agri machine so it can go on the road.... its a tractor. got tax disc that day for it. V5C arrived on Mon for it. fair enough.... a second V5c arrived for it yesterday with the tax class changed to historic vehicle.. So now I have a tax disc that doesn't match the most recent V5C. the next question is can "historic"s run on red for agricultural work (legally)?

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cost of my mot to get my little ka van through,bit of a shocker,and my brother works at the garage,so i get a bit of discount off the parts and hes been working on it evenings,so saved on labour as well,but no models for a couple of months i think

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Well what a week I've had.... first poor old Alfrid had to be put to sleep.... now today... The sun is shining in Cambridge today... so I thought I'd get the BMW out for a run.. taking it out of the garage I hear a scrape  :-[ .. result... gravel rashed the wing, bumper and wheel down the garage wall pillar  :'( ... I get to work an Lumpy is sitting in the tractor pulling faces... turns out the shuttle won't go (electrical fault... POSSIBLY traced now to the bottom of clutch switch) ...

I think I'll be glad to see the back of this week now  >:(:of:D :D :D

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Oh dear Mark not a very nice week at all. On a positive note they say bad things come in threes so I think you have more than your share this week and I hope its all uphill now for you.

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Oh dear Mark not a very nice week at all. On a positive note they say bad things come in threes so I think you have more than your share this week and I hope its all uphill now for you.

Thanks Bill... I hope the rule of threes applies here then...

Mind you.. they say you make your own luck in life... I guess I could always learn to drive properly, buy a John Deere and join the poodle owners club  :D :D

Then again.. I think I'm better off where I am  :D :D :D

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thanks Paul.... indeed that's very true too... only metal at the end of the day.

On a better note... my lad (Wes) left school officially on Wednesday and he's got himself a weekend job already today... Costa Coffee... some good news at least this week  :)

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Sorry to hear about the dog Mark, i don't know what i would do without mine now.

Would your lad not be interested in cubeing cardboard and plastic ?  ::)

Thanks Chris.... He'd be interested in doing anything I think mate... although I don't think working with his dad would be very good really - I'm keen for him to get some 'life experience' before he starts his further education. He's hoping to go on to Uni and then to study to be in the medical profession.
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You are indeed correct Mark, a bit of independence will help him no end, but a bit of family labour always comes in useful, he sounds like a smart young fella one day a brain surgeon maybe?

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With the good, there is always the bad! Sorry to hear about the tough week, I am sure the added work load I give you isn't helping either  ;D

Least you can say good riddens after Wednesday ;-)

I can imagine working as a family things can get heated, he might get better money elsewhere anyway :P

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As an outsider to these threads, I've noticed:

'What really annoyed you today? thread: 932 pages.

'What did you see today that made you laugh?' thread: 253 pages.

'What really pleased you?' thread: 515 pages.

Overall, not happy bunnies are you lot?

C'mon guys, chill out, think happy thoughts. or as Donald Sutherland kept saying in 'Kelly's Heroes', "More positive vibes man!"  8)

(A great film character, even though it was totally unrealistic for WW2.)

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Thanks Chris.... He'd be interested in doing anything I think mate... although I don't think working with his dad would be very good really - I'm keen for him to get some 'life experience' before he starts his further education. He's hoping to go on to Uni and then to study to be in the medical profession.

I tell you what, he's got the right idea Mark. I'd love to get into the some of the medical profession .. ..  :-X:-[:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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