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What really annoyed you today

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Whilst on the subject of immigrants, whats annoyed me is the fact that all the Portugese that Bernard Matthews have layed off are getting ?19.10 a day in compensation, no doubt they are getting unemployment benefit at the minute as well because of it and yet they are complaining that they are being ill treated and it is not enough to live on. Well in my eyes tough luck, its better than what a lot of people get when they are laid off or made redundant, its still near enough ?100 a week in compensation, they say they will have to go back home to work, well let them, my towns full of his workers, they even have their own cafes where if you go in they fall silent and glare at you >:( >:(>:( >:(

Umm... I think "lay off money" means they still have their jobs Gav... they should not be getting any other benefits I don't think... "Lay off money" is a payment set down by the government (it was ?15 a day last time I looked) when a company has no immediate work... but seeks to retain it's staff  ;)

I would imagine that employment law means they will have to pay a suitable amount of lay off before they can make redundancies  ;)

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Umm... I think "lay off money" means they still have their jobs Gav... they should not be getting any other benefits I don't think... "Lay off money" is a payment set down by the government (it was ?15 a day last time I looked) when a company has no immediate work... but seeks to retain it's staff  ;)

I would imagine that employment law means they will have to pay a suitable amount of lay off before they can make redundancies  ;)

I was just thinking the same Mark, I think you as an employer only have to pay this for 5 days though... or it was many years ago when we went down this route with one of our companies, although that is probably more like 6 months under the current government we have.......  :-\

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Ah... I didn't know the 5 day thing Jason... I just wonder how they stand if it is proved it was malpractice that led to them loosing their work  :-\

I've NO DOUBT the employees will have some legal loophole or technicality they can persue their employers for  >:(

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Ah... I didn't know the 5 day thing Jason... I just wonder how they stand if it is proved it was malpractice that led to them loosing their work  :-\

I've NO DOUBT the employees will have some legal loophole or technicality they can persue their employers for  >:(

Yeah, just play the "racial discrimination" card......  ::)

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I've just read in the local paper that a local woman (well about 8 miles away) has had her ten pet rabbits stolen from a locked shed, they found the animals intestines etc in the garden and can only assume they were stolen for food by someone, most likely some imigrants as the area where it happened has a high concentration of them living there.....

What is the world coming to?  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:( >:(

ther was a local lady down here came out the other morn to find someone had got both ehr rabbits out of the hutch, broke their necks and mounted them on 2 broom handels in the garden, prob was her young kiddy saw it as well, seriously need to find them and let then get mounted on broom handels

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ther was a local lady down here came out the other morn to find someone had got both ehr rabbits out of the hutch, broke their necks and mounted them on 2 broom handels in the garden, prob was her young kiddy saw it as well, seriously need to find them and let then get mounted on broom handels

I sell some real nice ones, they have Barbed wire wrapped around them for grip.(inset "feck me that hurts" smileys here).....  :o :o :o :o

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Now here's a good one on the imigrants/rabits theme

I heard tonight that a lot of the day fishing places arround ar loseing stock due to the fact that the polish aledgedly poaching them at night because it is one of there types of food

and allso peoples fish ponds are miraculuosely missing koi carp

This country is slowly going towards a civil awakening and the government say we need these people

No    the government need these people      We don't      But there is no way the government will listen to us untill something realy bad happens

And for saying this they class me as a racist    I'm not    I love my country due to its so called freedom of speech and expression and because i was born here    so how is that racist          DAMNED IF YOU DO DAMNED IF YOU DON'T

And we then become the criminals          Better stop there as big brother WILL be watching

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Now here's a good one on the imigrants/rabits theme

I heard tonight that a lot of the day fishing places arround ar loseing stock due to the fact that the polish aledgedly poaching them at night because it is one of there types of food

and allso peoples fish ponds are miraculuosely missing koi carp

This country is slowly going towards a civil awakening and the government say we need these people

No    the government need these people      We don't       But there is no way the government will listen to us untill something realy bad happens

And for saying this they class me as a racist     I'm not     I love my country due to its so called freedom of speech and expression and because i was born here    so how is that racist           DAMNED IF YOU DO DAMNED IF YOU DON'T

And we then become the criminals           Better stop there as big brother WILL be watching

That is something I was going to mention earlier, all the lazy steelworkers have nothing to do at all now the canals are empty.  ;D

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Something tells me you've been blowing in a bag old boy :-\...... at least it beats blowing what you normally do :P ....... And rodger you too.  ;)

No but very close silpped down a farm track left the truck there and walked back across the fields police turned up at my house and wanted to know where i was  >:(:-*
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not a good day,just been doing some work on the house,and some"insert word here" has for some unkown reason run a cable in the ring main at 90 degrees out of 1 box,2 m across the wall about 40 cm up of the floor and into the next one instead of up across abnd down, poor me has just managed to get a big bang, leccy shock,while fitting a new bit for the ldc tv to sit on  just had to spend the rest of the day chisseling the walls out above each socket to repalce it as it should be ,lost 3/4 of a day today because of that,and stil tingleing now as well

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not a good day,just been doing some work on the house,and some"insert word here" has for some unkown reason run a cable in the ring main at 90 degrees out of 1 box,2 m across the wall about 40 cm up of the floor and into the next one instead of up across abnd down, poor me has just managed to get a big bang, leccy shock,while fitting a new bit for the ldc tv to sit on  just had to spend the rest of the day chisseling the walls out above each socket to repalce it as it should be ,lost 3/4 of a day today because of that,and stil tingleing now as well

Sorry about that but i was in a rush and it was a friday  ;D ;D :D :D :D
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