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Got up early to go to the Registry of Motor Vehicles for my Learner's Permit test...passed with a 95/100  ;D ;D ;D

Something has always puzzled me about driving in America. In TV programs we often see teenagers going off to get their drivers license and coming back shortly after with a drivers permit.

    How does your system work from applying for a license to actually being able to drive a car unaccompanied. Here we have to apply for a provisional license, have driving lessons until our instructor says we are fit to take a driving test. While learning to drive we have to take a driving theory test which must be passed before the actual driving test is taken.

    In the UK you can drive a motorcycle of limited power at sixteen, a car at seventeen and a heavy goods vehicle at twenty one. Driving a car at sixteen here is unthinkable, and there was talk of raising the age to eighteen not so long ago.

    Tractor driving here is allowed at sixteen at the moment, but for how long I wouldn't like to say. Tractors are getting up to heavy artic sizes, weights and speeds, and it worries me to think of a young driver traveling at 50 kph in a seven ton tractor with a trailer on average weighing around twelve to fifteen tons behind it. From my school science lessons I seem to remember that the force an accident would create is calculated by multiplying the speed in feet per minute, by the weight of the object. Anyone know if I'm right, cos working it out my way at 30mph (44 feet per second)) multiplied by 22  tonnes would generate an impact force of 968 tonnes. Scary

        Perhaps you could start a post in the gen. discuss section explaining how the American licensing system works. ;)

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I'd like to know as well..

Scary thought there Mr BW... so technically.. A 16 year old could obtain a tractor licence on say... a gret fergie... and be bombing down the road tomorrow in an 8480 with 15 tonnes of trailer behind..

Are there not rules in the UK limiting size or weight or tractor.... ie. Like the 7.5t law... I know now you cannot drive anything bigger than a 3490kg vehicle without an HGV test... I also believe you cannot tow a trailer before passing a specific trailer test as well  :-\

Come on someone... clear this up please  ;D

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I'd like to know as well..

Scary thought there Mr BW... so technically.. A 16 year old could obtain a tractor licence on say... a gret fergie... and be bombing down the road tomorrow in an 8480 with 15 tonnes of trailer behind..

Are there not rules in the UK limiting size or weight or tractor.... ie. Like the 7.5t law... I know now you cannot drive anything bigger than a 3490kg vehicle without an HGV test... I also believe you cannot tow a trailer before passing a specific trailer test as well  :-\

Come on someone... clear this up please  ;D

That is how I understood it. I may be wrong and would appreciate someone who knows the facts to tell us all, and a mathematical scholar to check my calculations.

    Come on, some one must know the answer to this. ;)

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Just went and got the silage underway finally! Got about 20 acres cut which I shall then row-up and bale tommorow as the weather is a bit iffy for Monday unfortunatly. Some pictures so far to come this evening. :)

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Well thought i'd give lil update as havnt been online much recently, bet all been gratefull for that :D :D (sorry aint pm'd you back gavin will try and catch up soon :D )

Well recently i finshed my first year of college and sent on my way to do my gap year and got the award for best all round student in my group ;D ;D

Then i couldnt make it to the big summer ball at college due to topping at work had to get it done before went away.  Well was lovelly day on fri the first pic shows me at half 9 on friday had done 80 acres up to that point (lights on for effect ;D:):D;) . Second pic shows the contrast this was me sat morn finishing off in the rain and by 11 when i was finishing it was getting to wet to carry on anyway

Then went off on holiday sat afternoon and got back today was away with the gf for the week ;D ;D ;D



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Just come back from Exeter Airport. Brother is at work so had to take Sister-in-law in to pick up her French girl student from Bergerac who's here for a week on part of an English language course, good rate of pay, soon be able to pay for her car that we picked up yesterday afternoon after coming back from Mike Thorne's.

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cut the grass after 2 days of sunshine to fry it out,m done the hedge to, along with a major tidy in genral outside, then into the shed for 5 hrs more work on project "top secret"

TOP SECRET :o :o :o I bet it's a red'un though ::) ::)::)

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Been fitting my Autohitch... had to take if to bits to fit a rubber bump stop... and.... shattered the rolpin taking the crossshart out  >:( >:(>:( - stop play until tomorrow now  :'( :'(

I've got boxes of rollpins... have I got one long enough  >:( - Have I ever  ::)>:( :'( :'( :'(

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I have not had much time to do any posting lately this is due to been coordinating our church community day which was on saturday its been a great sucsess with over 1500 people attending yesterday I am hoping to get some more pictures of Clowes Farm  my display and my collection onto the forum in the next few weeks so I can catch up with you all on here, what i have seen lately is good

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