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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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So far today I walked to the Post Office to post the trophy I won at Forres last year since they insisted it was returned before the day of the show on 1st May. Sent it next day Special delivery so at £ 7 cheaper than going up in person with it.

Have sown 10 tray of seeds in the greenhouse.... 8 days later than last year but hey ho I'll let nature take its course and see if they catch up.

Having a coffee break and browse on here and then off to start digging over the vegetable patch.

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I have been flatout making scratchbuilt models,

feeding the cows silage with the massey 590 , moving a heifer out of a pen so our new charolais bull can move in for a while !! :D

feeding the calves ( most of the heifers have calved ) and making sure they are sucking alright  ;D

  I hope to roll the fields soon with my neighbours roller, if he lets me  ;D

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the gardens all dug over ,the old cultivator gave up after 30 mins but had done one good deep pass all over breaking everything up, so another dig over with a fork, and a good rake over has it pretty much level ,got 1 of the 4" land drains in and the sump for it dug out ,just got the other 3 to lay chippings ordered for thursday so good fridays going to be spent filling round the pipes and doing the final leveling out, so maybe even the turf will be down next weekend

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Off to Barnstaple today to pick up a couple of tractors, theo back to Crediton for another and a cattle crush. Given the weather it should be a nice drive, just hope the easter holiday traffic doesn't test my patience! :D::)

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Working a night shift at the moment but I finish at 7am, from there home for a couple of hours kip and then away for the weekend to Stratford on Avon  ;D8) .....will probably spend the best part of Good Friday in a traffic jam though :-\ >:(

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went to see grandma in hospital, within 2 minutes of my arrival every other person in her ward who was conscious told me all she did was sleep, (much like all she does when she's at home then!) dropped some things off and left her to recouperate from her hip operation.

went home and stepped into my role as master carpenter on my parents kitchen, oh if my wood work teacher could see me now....

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more subsoiling,and the ground is so dry we are rolling after the maize drill,which we dont normally do

The farmer was doing this a few fields away using a pasture roller, first time I've seen him use it on bare earth.

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Make sure you keep the water on that grass mate and the feet well away from it for a good couple of weeks. That'll curl something rotten if it dries and/or gets to much traffic.

Today I had Traci spend her dosh on me on a Bournemouth shopping spree after a scenic drive there via Cranborne Chase. Then a bit of dinner at a pub in the Woodford Valley on the way home. Now, chocolate and telly. Feet well and truly up!

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well i got up, painted some hand rails, made a hydraulic fan, went on facebook and spoke to a really nice girl i have my eye on  ;) went down to see my mate on his challenger, came home, logged onto here, and here we are :)

could have made an innapropriate comment, but as this is a family forum, and I dont want the mods hunting me down  ::)  I wont  :P:-X  good luck though mate  ;)

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