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Is it looking bad over the weekend for you mate? Haven't had a chance to see the forecast this evening......We don't look like getting much until around Monday at some point...... :) :) ;)

the forecast ive seen has heavy snow starting saturday evening and lasting till tuesday anyway.  :(

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is she eating loads of ice cream :-\

Funnily enough... no... you get told the opposite these days Ben... she was told to go home... and eat lots of "crunchy and scratchy" things... it's supposed to help the healing process by cleaning the wound more, thus reducing the risk on infection... hark at me... I sound like a medical journal  ;D
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the forecast ive seen has heavy snow starting saturday evening and lasting till tuesday anyway.  :(

Certinaly sounds worse than what we've got coming to us further down the coast then mate...... :( :( ;)

In hospital yesterday and today with my little girl... tonsil removal... poor little thing... on the mend now though... and a few ounces lighter  :-\

Sorry lads.... I've missed you  :-*

Glad it all went ok mate...... :) :) ;)

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Spent the day at work yesterday and came home to find half of my garden fence blowing down in the high winds.

It has survived the night held up by being held to a garden bench by a cycle lock! and tied up to the concrete post with the old electric cable off of the mower!!! I Must fix it properly today or find some rope!!

:D :D

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brief survey at Southall gas holder followed by a trip to the top in what was 1.5mph wind....got up to around 25mph :o :o :o, was told to wait by lift while the guy picked up the damaged roof debris!

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Well gotup at 10 a full hour and half later then planned  :-[:-[ but then was a very long day yesterday :D  After i had finally got up and going i got the bike all ready to go and pick up some tractor manuals.  When i got there my boss hadnt told the bloke that was there that i was to pick them up :D :D :D  So after that was sorted we got talking etc and aparently the 926 has been back into the shop again and will definatly not be with us next season :'( :'(  will miss the old girl bein the first fendt i drove. Well we went round the 2 renaults and picked up the Renault 735 and 106-54 manuals up, i was then asked to check the 735 as she hadnt started that morning nakered battery. And check she was all ok and would start and run fine which she did :-*:-* :-* then we caught up for about an hour or so and he said he was pleased i had asked to come back for my gap year which i'm chuffed about ;D ;D and now just starting on the assignment using the manuals

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Travelled back up from York this morning ,strong winds knocking wagons about as well as the old Power Of Dreams, then picked the kids up from their Nans and went to Dumfries to see if Toytown had any bargains and then onto my Wife's work for a sirloin steak and then onto my Sister's for a visit just back home now.

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Took my stepdaughter to Horsham to buy a second hand chocolate fountain!! Nine hundred and fifty quids worth. :o :o :o  You should see the price of new ones. Some of them are over two thousand quid. 'Kin ell.  :o :o She's going to rent it out at weddings and use it for shows etc. I cant see the attraction myself, but you know what women are like when it comes to chocolate-------  orgasmic is the word. Shoe shops seem to have the same effect on them too.  ;):D

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