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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Have been run off my feet today, dropped my eldest at nursery then had to go about 25 mins drive to do some work on the engine today for the boat, managed to get it all ready to run just got the battery to connect, when we turned it over by hand yesterday the compression was really low, but today we put some oil in and turned it over again this time the compression was there :)

Heat exchanger is shot with rust on the inlets and outlets trying to source some new stub pieces at the moment. Then had to pick my son up after lunch went and looked a block paving and a new climbing frame for the kids. When we got back had a phone call from the butcher that the 4 lambs were ready to be collected. Much the same tomorrow as well.

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Sodding around on my tractor  ;D

Went to a farm sale/auction ... what a joke.. some people just have to spend their money come-what-may... so totally crazy prices for what was, quite frankly... junk..

bit's of frayed rope... £10..

set of spanners - rusty.. some missing .... £50

I gave up and came home...

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Sodding around on my tractor  ;D

Went to a farm sale/auction ... what a joke.. some people just have to spend their money come-what-may... so totally crazy prices for what was, quite frankly... junk..

bit's of frayed rope... £10..

set of spanners - rusty.. some missing .... £50

I gave up and came home...

with mark???????????? come on what did you buy, nice 4 ton fergy steel tipper???? go on tell us :D :D

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Nothing... I was interested in an elevator they had listed... but it was way to big for what I want (to load the Bailey)...

It was just crazy... but at least I got fish & chips  ;D

I did go to Cambridge Machinary Sale on the way home.. not much there to look at either really  :-\

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Nothing... I was interested in an elevator they had listed... but it was way to big for what I want (to load the Bailey)...

It was just crazy... but at least I got fish & chips  ;D

I did go to Cambridge Machinary Sale on the way home.. not much there to look at either really  :-\

thats a shame mate, oh well better luck next time eh

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the wife and i have just got from spending a couple of days in london taking in the sights ;shopping[her] and the foo fighters in concert last night ,so you,ll have to speak up , still abit deaf

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bit of overtime today, then home for lunch and been jetwashing the decking down and the cuttering / facia boards on the house

think its called guttering up here! :D :D :D

yesterday, working in the London office....long day!,

today, town for hair cut, bit of shopping looking for a present for her on our first wedding anniversary (technically date wise its Monday), battling through town to get out as its the yearly unwashed and stoned drunk hippy day....strawberry fair!....some nutters in town! :D :D :D

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think its called guttering up here! :D :D :D

yesterday, working in the London office....long day!,

today, town for hair cut, bit of shopping looking for a present for her on our first wedding anniversary (technically date wise its Monday), battling through town to get out as its the yearly unwashed and stoned drunk hippy day....strawberry fair!....some nutters in town! :D :D :D

its the janners way of spelling mate :D :D

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Did a bit of model spray painting etc in the shed this morning, then after dinner we went into Padstow. Played crazy golf with the girls :D walked up to the memorial, glorious weather and views across the estuary. Had Ice creams, looked round the shops, then came home and had a Barbeque washed down with some Cider.

Nice day all in all  :)

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