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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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at last ive spent a day sat on a tractor powerharrowing, all season ive only done about 10 hrs arable so far upto today and i was ment to be doing it all but been sat on a flailmower all season! >:( was nice to be on land work, even thoe i had to be on a massey and not my JD.

i was bullied at school big style, and i was the one in trouble if i hit them due to there foul comments (spaz/cripple etc) the main problem was them putting drawing pins in my wheelchair tyres, i cured it by fitting solid inertubes and the last laught was on me as the didnt know why the tyres didnt go down! :D;D im 27 now and still have trouble with small minded people but i think most of it is there jelous that ive made something of my life!

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You need to be very careful how you deal with this, the law is 100% against you in these

cases........  ;)

the police are only interested in catching inocent people who got just over the speed limit

also i think the police are just the    goverments hench men these days

I havent had time to tell his mum what happend  but i will today

you always have schools or MPs  saying theyre combating bulleying but the problem has stemed

from the softly softly atitude i say bring back the caine ,if you dont nip it in the bud when theyre

young they will grow up to be proper monsters  >:(


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the police are only interested in catching inocent people who got just over the speed limit

also i think the police are just the     goverments hench men these days

I havent had time to tell his mum what happend  but i will today

you always have schools or MPs  saying theyre combating bulleying but the problem has stemed

from the softly softly atitude i say bring back the caine ,if you dont nip it in the bud when theyre

young they will grow up to be proper monsters  >:(


i agree, kids need more disipline in schools these days. I hear all the time they have no respect for anything, not all kids though, just certain ones. When i was at school you respected the teachers and didnt talk back etc. These days if you so much as threaten to give them a detention they spurt out all kinds of laws etc......The problems start at home/school where there is no real disipline within certain groups, again not all!

I'll get my coat, its to early for a rant :D :D :D :D!

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I like your style, with her out for the count your straight on here. Nice!!

I tipped 25 pallets of brickettes in Swindon. Reloaded 15 at South Cerney for Brize Norton. Reloaded at South Cerney with 11 pallets of lintels, window sills etc (cast stone) for Swindon. Back to South Cerney for 20 pallets of roof tiles for Huddersfield. Now parked up at Lymm truckstop M5 j20.

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Harvesting maize again, started off carting till mid morning when i took over on the Jaguar 900 again to gain more experience before i go it alone on Saturday with it. Had to weigh a trailerful today, came in at 32000kg loaded and 15000kg unladen, bit overweight i think ::) ::);D:D;)

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cleaning up after a birthday party ten 7/8 year olds finding jelly every where

The last birthday party my little girl had my girlfriend had managed to invite 21 children  :o :o and ive only got a fairly small house the only trouble was there was some overtime at work that i had to do and didnt get back till the party had finished ::) ::)

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Erm was ploughing earlier in the week on colleges tm 140 at 6-7mph i've never ploghed that fast wiltshire has kindest soil i've ever worked :D :D and rest messing about with mates and now back tonight for my bday tomo ha ha!

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Thats only round college though Phil. The Cotswold Brash comes down as far as Lac0ck, then the veg growing Red Sand round Bromham. Get down to Devizes and it's heavy clay, 'orrible stuff. Either too wet or like concrete.

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Let's see, been catching up on unread posts and browsing the forum for the past six hours. I need a life!! :D :D :D

I've held out till 3am here in Yankee Doodle land, starting to see blur when i'm reading. Time for a few hours of rest, back for another tormenting session in several hours :D :D :D

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all weekend Tris gates :o :o :o

Sweet baby Jesus Mark!!!!!!!!!!!!

They look faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic mate, owe you big time mate. Can't wait to get them off you at Toytrac now. Please, if anyone see's him don't bump into him just to break them in his pocket  :'( :'( :'( :'(

Brilliant mate, brilliant brilliant brilliant!!!  :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

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