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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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First meeting with my accountant. Now getting things ready to take in to him so he can make a start of the next couple of weeks 
Know how you feel Tris, all mine is with the accountant at the moment for my self assesment form. Gutted as well because they had put me on the 1 page form yet because my income was derived overseas had to fill in the big one, or should I say my accountant did ;D

Well today went and got some bits for making some bales and also did some more to my sheds got the posts in for the silage pit and the roof trusses made for the big shed.

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Well, I have had a reoccurrence of my blocked drain problem again, and with the yard filling up with water again, I decided to call out Severn Trent who turned up this morning and unblocked it at the manhole.  When trying to locate the blocked part though, the fella pushed the plunger up the pipe leading to my downstairs loo, which made an omnious squleching noise, but having the drain running properly again I thought nothing more of it....until I went back inside and thought 'cor it smells a bit in here'.  Upon entering the downstairs loo I was greeted with the sight of black watery sewage all over the floor and up the walls :'(

So I had to get a new mop, some decent rubber gloves and more bleach and set to work scooping up the mess with a dustpan and brush and tipping it down the loo, and then started on the mopping.  But thicko filled the bucket up too much and guess what, the handle came off and the water went all over the floor :'( :'(

I eventually got it up with the mop and have cleaned it all again with floor cleaner (good job its tiled floor) and it doesn't smell now...well perhaps a little bit, but nothing like as bad as this morning!

But on the plus side I went off to town with my friend after and she came back here and we watched E4 Zombie thing 'Dead Set' - in which there was a scene where on of the characters was clearing up some zombie bits with a dustpan and brush which was very familiar! :D

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Oh dear.

I don't tiddle when I wink do I? No i'm sure I wink and then tiddle, because if I didn't tiddle after there would be no point in winking, because tiddle and wink go together to make tiddly wink hence widdly tink, not tiddly wink as most people say. It's true the ancient American Tribe of Hoo Gaboo made widdly tinks up in 1664 when someone tiddled a wink in front of a police man and got a section 73 paragraph 4, then ever since then 'widdling' as it was called back then has been considered inappropriate for use after 9pm.

There for I shall not be widdling, tinking, winkly tiddling or any other humour remark you will come up with tonight anymore.

Any way you can keep your rubbers,  :-X

As for everyone saying i'm a winker, well, that's damn hurtful, I've only been back less than a week aswell :'(.

At least I havn't got a tiddler as i've been informed you have  :o

And don't go trying to wink your tiddler either, not now, not ever  :o :o :D :D ;)

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right.... two points...

.    and  .

ok... so that's cleared that up...

Now... Luke... I will tiddle my own wink in the comfort of my own home regardless... my tiddle was clearly made to wink - some are... some arn't.... the Exmoor widdly is a vulgar and vile pice of tinkwiddle that's for sure... so kindly keep it too yourself... or indeed... keep it in it's cage in future  >:(

Barry... Ad is my bestist buddy on FTF... so don;t even think of trying to drive a wedge between us... nice try fatty arbuckle... but a failed attempt none the less..

What have I bin doing... nothing  ??? - HUH... well let me tell you Mister... today I have been....



well I've been...

Ooo is that the time...  :-[

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And I was thinking you had some good news for me  :D :D :D :D :D :D

I have... I didn't call you  ;D:D :D

He's been tiddling his wink just as I thought.  >:(

Eventful day then, did you use the rubber ones?

too bouncy... I trained on the metal tiddles back in the 40's... when you are a wink master you can only use the best.... my personal set is gold plated of course... I won those in the world tiddly wink championships back in 54  ;)
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My plan now........... go to bed,, night guys  ::)

don't go to bed while rolling around laughing Ad... you could fall out of bed... or worse still... swallow your pillow  :o

Night bestist bud... shall I read you a story...

This will send you of to sleep...

The Ford County 1164 was first launched in...


Oh... night Ad  ::);D

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You've been winking all that time Marky?  :D :D :D :D :D :D

You need to get out more!!!!

I can't believe you used to train in the same room as other tiddly winkers. Wasn't you a bit embarrased at times! I would be, i'm sure there are some far better winkers than you about, although as far as winkers go, you are almost at the top of the chart!

Back in 54 it was different, you didn't have mixed tiddly winks then, so winking other peoples tiddlys back then must have been alot different.

What happens if they bounce of the table?  ???

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