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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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Me and Traci popped down to see Mandy and Fraser for a cuppa and a natter. The came back through Glastonbury for a cream tea which was bruddy beautiful. The scones had not long come out of the oven. Quick look round the local trinket box shops, couple of purchases and back home via the inlaws for another cuppa and to laugh at my failed attempt at beating 9 After Eight Mints in a minute, with no hands (as per X-Factor muppet!!) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Me and Traci popped down to see Mandy and Fraser for a cuppa and a natter. The came back through Glastonbury for a cream tea which was bruddy beautiful. The scones had not long come out of the oven. Quick look round the local trinket box shops, couple of purchases and back home via the inlaws for another cuppa and to laugh at my failed attempt at beating 9 After Eight Mints in a minute, with no hands (as per X-Factor muppet!!) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

ya sadly i saw that ha ha ha must try that my self

can you eat 3 cracers in 1 minute with no water? sownds esy bloddy imposibile!

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After a bad few days at work ( nearly considered a career change ) i'm in a much more enthusiastic mood today and about to attend an event dubbed the "UK Tractor Show" taking place just a few hundred yards down the road from where I live at Pickering Showground. Camera and a pocket full of pennies at the ready. :)

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broken out the sun glasses, shorts, flip flops and short sleeve t-shirt, (and the sun cream) chilling in the sun outside the library atm "doing revision" glorious weather and wireless to boot! 

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washed and hovered the car, cut the front and rear lawns, lifted and relaid 22 paving slabs on the garden path as they had sunk over the last 3 years since they went down laid on concrete blobs this time not just sand then went cheapo  and brushed pea chippings inbetween them this time instead of pointing them, jetwashed the decking down to get rid of all the muck after winter ,and now about to weed the back garden out, for the first time this year, maybe a bbq later see how i feel

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Well been a glorious day and have been outside all day from 10 till 4 and now feeling the effect of sun on my face despite lashing of suncream. Got the new tractor shed emptied and contents dispersed elsewhere, moved the shed into final resting place but problems with doors >:( >:( and got grass cut too. All in all a very productive day ;) ;)

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Im in the process of packing all the farm kit :'( :'( and all my other models away into boxes got 7 so far and still counting as we are up rooting and moving back to my mums got the chance of a better job for me and a new start for Kim in a new career and we are also considering buying mums house from the local council so hopefully will have a better layout for the farm all good fun aint it ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Regards Nick

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Im in the process of packing all the farm kit :'( :'( and all my other models away into boxes got 7 so far and still counting as we are up rooting and moving back to my mums got the chance of a better job for me and a new start for Kim in a new career and we are also considering buying mums house from the local council so hopefully will have a better layout for the farm all good fun aint it ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Regards Nick

wait and see if i agree when i load the c2 full of boxes....

all the best for the new start mate!

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laid the new carpet on my mums stairs and landing ready for tues when shes got some familly staying, then out for a walk out a place called noss mayo, followed by home and a bbq, also just finished printing out the stuff for the funeral on wed, the order of service cards etc, lovely picture of the old boy on the front from 4 years ago in barcelona when they came on holiday with us, amazing to see the difference from then and even last year with him, even bought a small tear to my eye looking at it

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Well we have filled more boxes we have got about 9 full now the C2 will be loaded well it will be worth having some pictures taken just to prove how much you can get in a C2

i'll take the rear seats out completely mate, it'll be a van!

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well its funeral day, just having a quick view on here, then loads of running round to do, moving people to the right place, inc a trip out to calstock to get the stepdaughters fella, as there cars broken down and the trains aint running on that branch line due to works

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