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just been paint balling, lovely way to spend 50 quid in a hr  ;D ;D  couple of brusies but nothing serious, remembers to wear 3 t shirts and a flece top under the overalls, cheaper than the body armour they rent and the pellets tend to bounce of to ;) ;)  now sorting stuff for tommorrow

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Either hedge cutting or digging a track from new tracto shed to Farmall A tractor side to get a power cable in.

Suspect start with the dig and switch to the hedge when the frost has lifted. The sun is rising as we speak though ;) ;)

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nice easy day today, bit of sorting the stuff from yesterday inc repairing the pettit trailer that lost 2 sides on the way back, and the jd combines header that managed to remove the reel somehow?? took a whileto get back in with out breaking it, and just cant see how it even came out

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What a tease David...how many pictures to follow :-\ :-\

I took just over two hundred in two locations not far from home Bill. I'll post some of the better ones shortly, just ridding myself of all the out-of-focus rubbish at the moment. It's the same contracting friends I caught up with earlier in the year who were on with grass silage. This is the first time i've ever taken photographs maize being foraged.

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Look forward to viewing them on the computer later, David.

We've just pulled into Sheerness with our cargo of two lorries and a van. Hopefully a speedy unload on the quay, a bacon butty and a cup of tea before heading to Cambridge :)

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Today I got call from mum around 10.30 saying dad had been rushed into ARI Cornary care Unit with a suspected heart attack. I got another call just before 12 and mum had been told he wasn't too good when he got in but we could come in and see him from 2pm. I left work at 12 picked mum up from Kemany and in we went to spend 15 minutes at least trying to get parked.

When we got in the staff nurse who is an absolute gem told us that when he got in she asked his name and she told him hers and out he went. The heart stopped 3 times and they had to get him back round. After that they rushed him to theatre and inserted 2 stents into the heart going in up his right arm.

That appears to have done the trick and avoided a bypass operation. He was looking a bit tired with all his attachments but he was cheery. The nurse did she he was a very lucky chap to have been in the right place at the right time and I can only second that. T

In the morning he had pains in his arms and mum called local doctor despite him saying he would be ok. I'm so glad mum overruled the stubborn old buxxer on that one and got the doctor.

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Thanks Scott I'm delighted that he was in right place at right time. I asked him what has caused the furrying up of the arteries and he admitted that his years of smoking probably had had an effect. Never mind he kicked that weed when he got hip one replacement 10 years ago. They said he would probably be in for 5 days but he is having a great time with the nurses already. The staff nurse has already invited herself to his 90th birthday bash. I think cheerful and nice nurses can aid recovery.

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Thanks Mark...he has the right frame of mind to recover and is very cherry. As I left he said something about the "mannie up their not calling time on him" to which i retorted "only the good die young". He just laughed but I am so glad he is still with us.

On Fords they  always have squirrels following them...to pick up the nuts that fall off ;D ;D ;D

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Thanks David. I sure he will and he is in the right place getting the proper care and attention he needs. I'll slep well tonight with that in mind.

5.5k I don't thing even I could have posted that many...or maybe  I have since well when off duty I'm not the best with numbers ;D ;D

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The last Ford I had was a 1.6L Escort A reg which I bought new circa March 1983 and cost £ 6,000 new. It wasn't a good car. had 5 gears but was too high geared in 5th. Had mega problems with automatic choke and had leaks in the boot from rubbers. Traded in on 1/08/1985 for a black 1.8i cavalier SRI (C reg) which was a great 115 BHP motor in it day. Stayed with Cavaliers and Vectra's until 3 and 1/2 years ago when I switched the the Audi A4 and I won't be going back to Vauxhall's either.

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