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At work with Martin (NH2)


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Been busy the last two weeks with fixing field drains, cattle work and ploughing so just to update this topic with a few more pics........

First up had to put a new field drain in one of the fields before we got ploughing so had to get the old 50HX fired up........



Then we got the plough going and I got my first real go at ploughing........ ;D



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Both the 3095 and 6480 have had a bit of a wash to tidy them up........ :)


A wee rise in scrap prices spelt the end for the old Fiat van........ :(


Some more of our calves, second one shows the mother in the crush after I had to milk her since her wee bull calf wasn't to keen to sook, since then in a pen separate from the rest the two of them have bonded and the wee man has now mastered the art of getting the milk himself........ :)



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Then we got the plough going and I got my first real go at ploughing........ ;D


nice to have a go at something different eh mart  :) thats probably the only job to give a tractor driver the greatest amount of satisfaction , a well ploughed field  :) :) not leaving a big headland for yourself though ?

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Indeed Marcus was a very enjoyable wee change and after some more acres will be another string to add to the bow  :) .

For the headland the boss said just to put the nose of the tractor as close to the edge of the field then whirl around again into the next furr since this particular field is fairly narrow but pretty long so headland was kept to a minimum.  ;)

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More great pictures Mart, the old Massey digger looks a bit tired but its still earning its keep by the looks of it, good to see a bit of old fiat scrap going to the crusher ;D , beatiful livestock pictures, the 3095 scrubs up very nice.  ;)

Thanks James, aye the old 50HX is pretty rough around the edges cosmetically these days but still puts ina useful days work  :) . Only 7 more cows to calve now and so far no problems (touch wood)  :)

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nice to see were not the only people messing about with the old mf diggers we still use our 50hxs for all loader work feeding and loading the diet feeder but it has smoke coming out of everywhere if we bring it on the road and a slight smell of burning  :-[  would you recommend going down the telehandler route and keeping the digger for backactor work or would you go for a new digger bearing in mind we dont have a problem with clearance or turning space except for one shed

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Glad the calving is going well Mart, keep posting pictures of the little beasties as they come. :)

Thanks James, aye the old 50HX is pretty rough around the edges cosmetically these days but still puts ina useful days work  :) . Only 7 more cows to calve now and so far no problems (touch wood)  :)

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Your ploughing looks straight enough Mart...obviously you did not get any coaching from uncle Marky ;) ;)

Looks odd to see a tractor with plough without a stone graip at the front. Just about every tractor with plough of any size in Aberdeenshire would have one fitted. Just different soils yet only 60 or 70 miles apart.

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nice to see were not the only people messing about with the old mf diggers we still use our 50hxs for all loader work feeding and loading the diet feeder but it has smoke coming out of everywhere if we bring it on the road and a slight smell of burning  :-[  would you recommend going down the telehandler route and keeping the digger for backactor work or would you go for a new digger bearing in mind we dont have a problem with clearance or turning space except for one shed

Well Denis speaking in terms of our setup we would be lost without the Merlo telehandler, it is just so versatile. Perhaps having a demo of a telehandler to see if it would pose any benefit for you would be the way to go and if you reckon it won't really be of too much benefit then go with the new digger. Just my opinion.

Glad the calving is going well Mart, keep posting pictures of the little beasties as they come

Will do James  :)

Your ploughing looks straight enough Mart...obviously you did not get any coaching from uncle Marky [img alt=;)]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/wink.gif [img alt=;)]http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/Smileys/default/wink.gif

Looks odd to see a tractor with plough without a stone graip at the front. Just about every tractor with plough of any size in Aberdeenshire would have one fitted. Just different soils yet only 60 or 70 miles apart. 

There were a couple of bendy bouts Bill but otherwise not too bad I was quite pleased with the overall result  :)

Between myself and the boss we hauled up about 5 biggish stones but we just mark them with sticks and I'll go fish them out with the 3095 with dung graip  ;)

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