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If you are doing a paintjob on a model and you have to drill out the rivots to spray it what do you do when putting it back together again  ??? ???

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I've done hundreds of Corgi and Dinky stuff and the way I do it is to drill out the rivets just enough so that you can seperate the base, you then have a slight 'burr' on the end of the rivet post that I just take off with a fine file and before anything else being done, place the base back in position again to make sure it fits snug and nothing is bent. You have a slight 'shoulder' on the rivet post that the base sits on, this gives a glue platform. When all your re-spraying is done, put a little strong superglue around the rivet post shoulder and pur the base back on. then, this is what I do, cut the head, at the widest point, off a .177 air rifle pellet with a very fine hobbies type saw blade, making sure you have a flat and level cut, put it flat-side down, stick a pin in the dome of it to pick it up, put a smidging of superglue on the flat side and apply over the rivet hole. Job done.    Alternative is to drill the rivet post deeper and buy some replacement rivets from a chap called Steve Flowers. (www.dinkyclub.com)

http://www.dinkyclub.com/  and click on white metal parts. May be helpful.

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