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What really PLEASED you?

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::) great news that  ::)

Like being told you have a spot on your nose... or your tea has caught fire.. or your breath smells.... or your mother-in-law is coming around... shall I go on...

Well... not if your starved of tractors like I am Marky. Last real one I got to sit on was Penny, and that was ages ago :'( :'( :'(

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Like finding the flaky bits from the kettle in the bottom of your coffee...

Like unwrapping a pressie to find it's a Britains Ford 5000

Like biting a tuggie on your finger only to find it was attached on the other end to your big toe  :o

Shall I go on...  ???

Yes  ;D

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OK... just one more post... then thats it...

It's like....

Waking up and realising it's Friday

getting a letter with "Inland Revenue - this is not a circular" written on it..

Having a birthday when you are over 40 !

Picking your nose too hard and making it bleed

When the dog stands on your foot, when you have no socks of shoes on

shutting your finger in the door...

Pulling back a rubber band to "stinger" someone and it backfiring on you..

having a bad back

running the wages... and looking at that figure at the bottom  :'(

someone denting the door on your car with theirs

treading in dog doo doo

running a bath.... getting in... only to find the kids have had all the hot water.

oh and slipping on the tiled bathroom floor in wet feet for that matter !

Mrs F saying I love you and kissing you  :o :o :o - Yuck... Have some garlic to take the edge of your breath please Diane  :o

Discovering that some little scroat has pinched the chocolate from your drawer at work... when you REALLY fancied it as well

giving up smoking - nearly forgot that one

I think we'll leave it at that... I may come back and add a few things later if they really take my fancy  ;)

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OK... just one more post... then thats it...

It's like....

Waking up and realising it's Friday

getting a letter with "Inland Revenue - this is not a circular" written on it..

Having a birthday when you are over 40 !

Picking your nose too hard and making it bleed

When the dog stands on your foot, when you have no socks of shoes on

shutting your finger in the door...

Pulling back a rubber band to "stinger" someone and it backfiring on you..

having a bad back

running the wages... and looking at that figure at the bottom  :'(

someone denting the door on your car with theirs

treading in dog doo doo

running a bath.... getting in... only to find the kids have had all the hot water.

oh and slipping on the tiled bathroom floor in wet feet for that matter !

Mrs F saying I love you and kissing you  :o :o :o - Yuck... Have some garlic to take the edge of your breath please Diane  :o

Discovering that some little scroat has pinched the chocolate from your drawer at work... when you REALLY fancied it as well

giving up smoking - nearly forgot that one

I think we'll leave it at that... I may come back and add a few things later if they really take my fancy  ;)

if i had known i would have just called in yesterday! :D :D :D

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