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At work with KIWINZ


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well habn put pics up because i coudnt be bothered to download the new photobuket uploader but it got the better of me so here goes!

did tractor handiling for young farmers (in the age group above me so was competing against 16 - 21 year olds who mostley all work full time on farms un like me who is still at skool)

jd 6830 c/w the chrome exuast well nice n old front links from there old tractor very nice tractor




the age group below me 10 - 16 was meant to be in but i was in the one above due to expirence


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all three guys that were in volved in there have offered me jobs!

all driving modern kit will be well kool

te one with the balier will have me on wrapping stacking and raking

the one with the sprayer will have me on carting corn n straw n sum cultivations

the one with the drill will have me on silage corn and bale cart and cultivations

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thanks all.

the wee tralier will be used for shingle and rubbish. but at the moment its got a raised up tank on it for additave on the silage

the bar for thr front of the jd is in the shed as we only need it for whan we have the bale grab on and thar wont be untill we do hay or strwe late on in the year.

thanks again

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a little up date 1st cut is done and in the pit

2nd cut is due 27 - 28 june

had all the kit ready and serviced up ages ago (last sunday)

was cut last suday as well it was 1mtr igh which is prittey impressive considering the weather this year and the fact that we have been flooded 9 times as well

was waiting for the forum to be sorted before i posted pics and now my photobucket is playin up so the wil get posted up in a huge bundle as soon as its sorted

the team tho so there isnt any confusion was:

day 1

jd 6920s jf stoll 1100 trailed forager

nh tl100a on cart small tralier

jd 6810 on cart small tralier

jd 7530 on cart big tralier

jd 6410 on pit with 10ft twose push off

day 2

jd 6920s jf stoll 1100 trailed forager

nh tl100a on cart small tralier

jd 6810 on cart small tralier

jd 6410 on pit with 10ft twose push off

thanks jme

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That should have been mxu 135 on the forager  :'( Hopefully next time diden't hear of any mishaps so every thing went ok then  ;D

well i will tell you when i next see u ha ha!

you were busy drilling but ill talk to you more next time because were might br changing some stuff round

thanks henryMC

will post up some more later

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that 20 series cab doesnt look very forager friendly  :D the box would be up to high i think  :-\

Not too bad to use but then they side load so you don't need to fiddle so much  ;D (i had 3 hrs on her last season)

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well i got some piccs for you all they will be in bulk as i cant be bothered to sort them out

just to be big headed and gloat for once the agronomist sed we have the best crop of sillage he had ever seen and in the county and surrrounding counties sed it was perfect. if you dont believe it look at these \/ \/.....


about 10m into the crop i expect it was taller in the center




dropped the loader of this jd as we were borrowing it for hauling



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