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ash tree farm, tms farm work in progress


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The plan was to use the grey sheet ones but they are to thick to bend even with heat , i had a sheet from an old barn i did, but this was a bit to thick, you could see it snapping over time , where as this stuff went ok , plus it takes paint so weathering will hopefully be easier than using card . 

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Are you sick of making bales yet Sean? :D  they look good, the only thing id point out is the knots should be on the top of the bale, very nearly at one end. Looks like you've got the hang of making them though. 

Edited by mb86
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its getting to me, but i do find it relaxing weirdly , i know the knots ain't right, but i doubt you will see them once i get the decent scissors on them, only got the big ones at the mo, keep forgetting my decent fine ones from work,  which will let me get a lot closer to the knot.  i cant think of any way i could put it on the top to be honest, once glued you cant turn/move them . will just have to turn them round where the end layers show .none are fixed at the moment 

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  • 1 month later...

due to lack of materials(timbers not arriving till wednesday) weather and the fact the grandkids are staying thurs and fri i had to tidy the back room, in turn i had to move the new barn up out then way ,so stripped the old stuff out on side b, and got the basic positions sorted , i think this will the the final places for each one now,  certainly allows the biggest ones to be more visible and usable ,  sadly  the biggest one, the first i made actually, is damaged, and after a good look and ponder i think his will be replaced with a similar style but bigger length one, can certainly use the blocks again, but the glues lost grip now, the balsa wood timbers are all loose and it does look dated compared to the newer ones in terms of build ability. so more new blocks required . 



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i wasn't aware i had this many bales already made, well over 150 so for now my bale making days are not required luckily .  

will be a lot more greenery on the new part as its a boundary to the field beside it, so i can use the new applicator see what thats like ,i am also considering remaking the big field this side with a new base , ditches and grass boundary's, clay  track and trees etc  



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1 hour ago, catkom3 said:

This is worth a watch Sean,It show's how to layer grass of different lengths to achieve a more realistic finish,the only down side is you do need that aerosol layering spray,




i have one of these woodland scenic ones now joe,  allows dual lengths and all sorts, been studying a few videos as well, hopefully it will work nicely as per the pics and instructions ,  as  the field part will need a fair bit.after looking at these two pics for a while i have also decided to move the barn near the current track forwards ,towards the broken one, so i can get another lake or pond area behind/beside it, break it up a bit ,this will lead into the ditches that side as well then. be a while yet mind, unless this weather keeps in, i need the shed to make doing this stuff easier, keeps the house tidier then , and little hands away from the stuff as well . 

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55 minutes ago, Ferret90 said:

Looking good Sean , it will be interesting to see the static grass. I have tried it before but only with a cheap puffer bottle and I found it quite hard. I recon the proper one will be a lot better :)  

i hope so, i doubt i would have paid the full price for it, but with a 3rd off it would have been rude not to get it. my cheap one was ok,  but i couldn't do the longer stuff, or mix shades in the 2 half's like this or lengths in the same way ,so it looked very plain/flat in a way 

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I have the same applicator as you Sean,bought it at the start of the year,the 3mm grass worked a treat,the 12 mm not so well,I might have been doing to big a section at once letting the PVA  " Skin " so the grass wouldn't stick,WWS produce a glue that they say doesn't skin so quickly,



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will certainly look at that glue, looks easier, what i have found especially with the longer grass,6 or 8 is the longest i can use at the mo, is to break it down as best you can,  no lumps etc can take ages, but it works way better, i tend to scatter it onto paper, then load from there, adds a bit more time,  but worth it i think . 

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nice popping in now and again Sean to see how its still being worked on!. I had to bin all my sheds i made years ago, there were just collecting dust in the loft....models....well they are still up there, out of sight out of mind! :lol:.....should really get them sold!

see the scaloox is still there.....not heard from Tris since i sold it to you!  :lol:


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  • 5 months later...

well i ain't got much to do, and with a poss 5 day weekend  due this week over easter i decided to get back to the layout, being big and brave this time and doing 2 buildings at the same time, first ones totally new, will be half block and half wood  ,requires 24 full blocks per layer, so i have started on these for the mo. . have the gates on the way from mandy @Hlt Miniatures  as i decided to take the easy option on these after the last one.



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will also be revamping this older unit, which was the very first one i made in these blocks, so its a good 10 - 15 years old. as you can see it took some damage in the move around ,so at present, its in the shed, with the full front wall missing, and the internals removed,  just trying to decide the best way to alter it now.i think it will eventually replace the 2 Anderson units, as they just don't allow access properly .


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