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I know I've posted some of these pictures up before but as I can't find the relevent topics now I'll post them again. These are all machines belonging to the contractor I worked for up until 18 months ago.

1) The first Fiat I ever drove, a J reg 110-90, had 7200 hours on when she was traded in.

2) The Case 7230 that was bought for me when I went to work there, she'd been opened up to 240hp at the PTO so handled the Lemken 7f and 2t press with ease


What replaced the Magnum

Renault 836 RZ, although smaller it was still big enough to do the heavy draft work yet much more usefull being able to handle the spreading and rolling as well




The Fiat 110-90's replacement

Renault 816RZ, a good pulling tractor but gave a rougher ride than my 836 despite everything being set up the same suspension wise. It was never driven hard though unlike mine, it's driver used to dawdle about at less than 15mph all the time so when I did get on it there would be clouds of soot and smut come out of the exhaust ::)




110-90  :-*:-* :-*

She looks quite tidy too Gav ;)  - but I guess if she had only 1 ram, on the lift a bit light for your operation :-\

Was never too much of a problem really, she used to handle the 2t Amazone spreader easily enough.......we did put her on a 6m seedbed cultivator one day just to move it..........that was a steer by the brakes job :D :D ::)

Just trying to find picture of her sibling at the minute ;D


My friend has his on a 4f reversible at the moment and she is only barely able to handle it with the 2 assitor rams and everything - also had to put a new hydraulic pump on her - lifting the one pass didn't help it last year :(

Was thinking of a Valtra 8350 - hopefuly it won't come to that >:(


Nice to see a couple of Renault's working away there Gav. I think they looked far smarter in orange than in the Claas colours [as much as I like Claas].

Keep posting them, nice pictures.


The 110-90's sibling, the F140 on rowcrops with a Kongskilde Vibrocrop beet hoe.....boy did I used to hate that job


that annoys me :-\ ,people driving at slow speeds ,its ok going to a field to do a 1 man operation ,but carting silage and bales its drives me up wall  ::):D there is a guy who works on our farm and when carting silage you have to wait at gate for him to come through so you dont catch each other in the lane , most times you get a routine so that you pass in a certain place  but when he goes on the silage trailer your on stop most the time waiting in the gate  ::) and with the routine theres always a tractor under the forager but with him the forager is on stop too  ::)


1) A shot of our Lexion 460 and a demo Case AFX working together

2) same field, nice view from anywhere on that farm


Will have to try and findd my pictures cd as I have a load more, including the 8560 and MX150 from the other farm, these are what the new owner of the business replaced those two with though...

JD 7930 on a Discordan


TVT175 on a Vaderstad 4m (may be a 190 in those pics as they had one on loan while there's was being built, a sore point)



My mate took these ones, we wanted photographic eveidence of my bosses stupidity that harvest, I was combining Barley which was no where near ready with it having vertical ears in it still....his phrase was "It'll be ready when we get to it". The grain sat in the trailers like a huge lump of Jelly, we thought we may need to rope it in at one point :o:D :D






Our 460 and the bosses Fathers 460 working together in wheat and beans, there was also a CR980 demonstrator in the wheat field, thats the way to gobble up the acres, 80 feet taked every time across the field, totalling the best part of 180 acres in one day ;D




nice pictures Gav :) cant beleave you dont like beet hoeing, I use to love rotary hoeing the carrots, just had to watchout I didn't wipeout 4 rows in one go ;D

If I slipped it was 12 rows taken out :o :o

I didn't mind it some of the time but the trouble with that farm was there was an horrendous weed beet problem, it was so bad in places that you couldn't see the rows for them which took the enjoyment out of the job :-\


Some smart pictures Gav! Love the drilling snaps.

Don't fancy going back?

Yeah, all the time but they made me redundant, I left kicking and screaming :'( :'( :'( :'(

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