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Posts posted by willralst23

  1. Grey Fauchi MF5470 a late xmas pressie from my other half! She got it fromHamilton Brothers Tarbolton, for £26+Vat+post, was one of the early dealer ordered ones (but prob just the same as the ones out now, as it number 1600odd.)

    Much better than forking out on Ebay! Especially to that chancer Simsco who at one point was wanting £150 for one on a "buy it now"!!!

  2. Just started collecting after my future father in law got me back into it!

    Recently got a:

    silver cab mf590,

    White mf8690


    and Peter Mckerral CORGI 1/50 DAF unit and double decker (Next door neighbours!)

    Won DBP MF390T last week on Ebay, and also waiting on a MF1200 with chisel plough, both from Barry at Udimore, still waiting on them to arrive though...!!! Cant wait to see this 390T!

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