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Posts posted by farmmodelconversions

  1. reply to lady ferguson yse that is right copying decals is an infringement but if you go about it the right way you can get the goahead from the companys as long as thay see watt you would like to do frist and send a sample or and both a model and yes even permission form john deere as this is watt i have done with john deere but not for a licence no one will get a licence ie small models makers for john deere not even universal hobbies can

  2. my conversion of the hawk hire john deere 8360r tractor comes with certificate card each one is number only i will only be doing 9 models. the rest should be with me very soon each one has a number plate the plate is from the hawk john deere 8360r that is on the tractor that hawk have for hire.

    i have got permission from the hawk group to do the models and i will be do some uither hawk tractor conversions as well thay as well will be in a very limited number only will be made and the same again all the models will have number plates on them that are from the thractors that hawk have for hire.

    hope you all like

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