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Connel Sievwright

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Posts posted by Connel Sievwright

  1. We had around 2 hours of constant thunder and lightning around 10 o'clock this morning, was lifting steel up to the 4th level of scaffold and was tol by the site agent (useless b*****d) d to stop as the forklift and load would act as a lightning conductor, never heard so much rubbish in all my days, needless to say I'm still here, and I'm 99.9% sure the Telehandler wasn't struck... Taking health and safety to far I think.

  2. Okay so my brothers bean causing hassle, he's lied to everyone on this, not only embarrassing himself, but also myself, the fact he got to the stage he is now without speaking to family shows how embarrassed he is, HWS plant was his pride and joy, and he wouldn't shut up about taking on this other company, from what he's saying he felt embarrassed to admit his failures, to be honest, if you'd payed every penny you had into a company that you were due to be taking ownership, and then finding out because the owners am absolute w&@£er, you would you be able to admit what had happened? I'm not saying you should forgive him immediately, but think about what you would do in his situation?

  3. would just like to say thanks too all who have posted and made me feel welcome, will enjoy posting about my storys from work, my model collection and anything that catches my eye, i may take a while to get used too things and will hope to start posting pictures soon aswell, thanks, connel

  4. haha there will be no squabbles, harrys a dab hand with duck tape too, will enjoy having a look around and posting on here, everyone seems to get on and have a laugh aswell, will try get photos up over the weekend,

  5. Hi, my names Connel and I'm HWS PLANT HIRE(harry) younger and better looking brother, I'm 25 and I am the main lowloader driver for HWS Plant hire, I currently have a collection of 3-400 plant and farming related models, mainly 1:50 scale plant models and 1:32 farming gear,

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