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jordan taylors model scenes 2011


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i knew id get the police 4x4 in somewhere. as we can see the snow had been cleared from the lane but had frozen overnight and was like an ice rink the next day and when this wagon came down the hill he lost the backend. fortunatly there was a tree there to stop him but. now the new holland is on call to pull him out while the police close the road and attend to the incodent





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Jordan you dark horse. . .. those scenes (especially the snow scenes) look absolutely crrrrrrracking!!! Excellent mate and a great idea too. Pat on the back coming your way!  :) :)

well it was bound to happen tris, driving on untreated icy roads ;D ;D

glad you like the scenes. ive decided to do model farm based on a winter scene nowas my scenes have just come together to form a farm which is great

lots needs doing before it will be finished though, i am hoping to get hold of some buildings soon, just waiting for the seller to get back to me





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Fantastic Jordan and great to see something a bit different. Weather doesn't often feature in our dios and perhaps it should, as it's a major factor in real-life farming. What next... maybe a drought scene with parched earth... or a really muddy field because of the rain ;)

well after all this snow melts we are going to have some really wet soil which will make for chalenging ground preparation for the spring barley. we will have to see how the john deere copes on the plough

this can be something for you to think about stocking mandy- snow sprays ect... as it can make a simple model look so great and change the whole way of looking at model farms

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