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I suppose since the topic says discuss anything, that this qualifies?

As some might be aware, the New York Yankees are playing the Boston Red Sox at London Stadium this weekend. First time ever for a Major League Baseball game in Europe. I wonder if it is on your TV’s there and if there is any interest? I know nothing about the game of Cricket but similar to baseball in some ways I think. The game yesterday was very long, even for a nine inning game here. But I am glad to see the fans in the stadium there having a great time and singing “take me out to the ball game” in the bottom of the seventh inning. With the time difference the game started at 10:00 am here this morning.

I have been a fan, and a Yankees fan for that matter since 1954. I collected all the Yankees baseball cards that I could through the years but gave my collection, plus other team cards, to the grand kids. I started going to games as a kid watching the Philadelphia Phillies around 1957. I played the game as a kid and my grandson plays it now as a catcher and left fielder on two different 13 years old and under teams. They call the game “America’s Pass Time” and I certainly hope the fans in London and Europe in general, enjoy the game!  I watch it on tv, go to the games and read biographies about the players.

Here is one or two of the grandson. Not to brag, but he is good! 






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Hi Corky, Yes, I believe it was televised on the mainstream channels. Probably quite a bit of interest over here, American football seems to be gaining a steady following, although I'm afraid it not's quite for me.

I did manage to go to a baseball game some years ago. I was at a meeting with AGCO in Kansas City, not long after they had bought Massey Ferguson. The hotel I stayed in was more or less opposite the Kansas Royals baseball ground, so one evening after we had finished, I went across to watch the Royals play the Milwaukee Brewers. I did enjoy it. I'm guessing this must have been in the mid 90's.

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