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Posts posted by Beginner

  1. You can do baling in it ;) don't know if you can post them tomorrow :-\ I'm sure Ben or another mod will let you know, just say rain stopped play ;):D :D

    Sow i can only do baling the rest not?

    Toyfarmer did that or didn't he?

    I can upload a bit today but the rest have to bee tomorrow let's take a look what they have to say :)

  2. I like this farm a lot as there seems to be plenty going on and some smashing construction scenes with the lego men and planks of wood lying about. :)

    Also on page 6 picture 11 is that a flatbed you have made for the hooklift trailer because it looks really smart even unpainted ???

    Thanks! ;D

    Its not Lego, its playmobil men, tools, ladders,... :P I like that you guys like it, i alsow like it, it looks...busy :P

    And that flatbed i made by myself, its not difficult, for some people its just idiot but for me its good, its just wood fixd together with a hook :)

    all busy going on with you mate , looks tons better with yer new camera as well  :)

    Yep, busy thats my thing :P

    Yea, i love the new camera alsow i can work much better with it then that one of my friend ;)

    And do not be afreid to post, i just like it :)

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