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Posts posted by CMB

  1. Thanks Paul. I have 1971 for the spreader, Lely tedder and seed drill as first release but I've not seen any of these in anything other than straw boxes. So these first straw boxes with the 135/Ford made from 1970/1-1976 and the later type from 1977-1981 (for implements). Interesting they stayed on for the Atcost barn

  2. Does anyone know what years the implement straw boxes first appeared/disappeared? I can't find much background on them. The lighter one on the left with the MF135 and early cabbed Ford 5000 should really have been altered in 1973 when the new cabbed Ford 5000 came out but I don't know of any other that was used until the later one (here darker on the right) appeared in 1977 with the new 500 series, Ford 6600, Unimog and Deutz dx110 pictured.





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  3. On 11/19/2023 at 8:14 AM, Jack390 said:

    Sounds like there’s plenty with bad experiences then. I haven’t bought a lot of him, only the 2 7530s and a couple bits on sale. Wouldn’t be too keen on buying from him again , especially after that John, that was really out of line from the seller 


    On 11/21/2023 at 11:06 PM, trigger82 said:

    This rare, printed display card will make a tidy little sum 

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  4. On 8/31/2023 at 9:15 PM, britainsfan78 said:

    Yes, both fit, but they won‘t match rim colour😉


    That's awesome mate. I'm selling the brown ones on eBay and they want to know if they fit that exact trailer. The yellow ones are the same dimensions as the older brown ones I believe 

  5. Has anyone had to post one of these things, I'm looking at selling the similarly sized Riding set (with stables)as I can't sell it locally on fb Marketplace, and the box needs to be big!

    Approx 73cm long x 45 wide snd 7.5 deep. Nearest size box i can find is a u2 server shipping box, costing £17 cheapest which I guess I'm going to have to add to the already large shipping cost of this item on ebay.

    What boxes do others use and where are they obtained?

    Thanks c

  6. On 3/31/2020 at 7:52 PM, Tractorman810 said:

    came across a guy on youtube recently, and just caught up with some of his videos, would highly recommend him, a real broad suffolk / norfolk accent, and some great colourful language, spend his time doing various old stuff from cars to planes, and a fair good amount of agri stuff, finds old barn stored stuff and gets them going after 30 odd years, would post a link, but prob easier to say go and search for a channel buy a guy going by the name “Lord Muck “ 

    had me in stiches the way he deals with the negative comments .

    Brilliant seen a lot of his stuff

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