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Posts posted by CMB

  1. Sore point after having the engine rebuilt on his I think Alex, some of the 2002 - 2004 ones seem to suffer from bottom end failure in the engine or head gasket problems (and turbo in some cases...). The later old shape ones seem reliable as do the new shape ones, depends what age you'd be looking at. If you want a reliable double cab I'd go down the Hi-lux route but you will pay a bit more for it

    Hmm don't like the sound of that :of  Having a hiccup with the turbocharger would be expensive..

  2. the only time ive ever argued with a bollard was with the weights carrier on the front end of a ford 7840

    guess who won the argument  :of;)

    Is that small act of vandalism something to be proud of Derrick? ???:laugh:

    I didn't even make it to work today, my courtesy van breaking down 1 mile before reaching the farm (alternator fail).  But now all is well, as I have a replacement car for the replacement van, a metallic blue Nissan Micra :P::)

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