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Everything posted by Rhysmassey135

  1. Ye they were due to go on, for PDI's, they're b*uggers to unload without someone holding the strop because they swing like hell
  2. you learn from your mistakes i've done big mistakes like that, dont worry about it
  3. you sure about that last bit mate.... : nah im only kidding :D a friend of mine has a deutz 150, nice to drive
  4. i got in a fendt 926 in the royal welsh, just looks complicated.... and expensive to repair :D
  5. the dyna's are good once you get the hang of it , im sure i saw that in tractor & machinery one month , cant say im too keen on it \
  6. fair enough, but the dyna isn't complicated
  7. The last picture is just moving tyres again
  8. the buckrake full of tyres and the view of nant y ffin (the farm)
  9. I was helping my cousin sheet the clamp, and i thought of you guys so i took some pictures for you International B275 was rolling it as it was to close to the roof in the TL90 and the second picture is taking the tyres to the sheet
  10. which new masseys do you not like? like the 6470 in the picture
  11. in what way do you mean? they drive nice, good visibility with the snub nose bonnet but id ask someone else because im biased towards the red machines but they're nice all round
  12. nice NH, but i love that JD just like the guy who mows for my friend, il get some pictures if you want
  13. and the final picture, me waiting for the lorry to turn around so i could unload the topper
  14. Case CS78 and a 2000 gal tanker that needed a PDI, and an old 4600 that needed a service
  15. Unloading new loaders and the workshop from above
  16. Massey 6470 Dyna 6 and another 5455 Dyna 4
  17. PDI on a spinner and switching turning the dishes round on the wheels on 5455 Dyna 4
  18. Same 100.4 gears and the chain harrow that needed all new D-shackles
  19. My work experience at brodyr evans, crosshands
  20. nice models hes got but a bit pricey thought aren't they? \
  21. a mate of mine up the road has 1 with duals but i offered him a fiver for it he said no, but if its limited id give him 10?, im sorry mate i cant help you out, im in the same position as you
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