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Posts posted by BigX500

  1. I buy loads of european spec stuff. I just hope that we get some North American equipment so that the 32nd market has a chance over here as well.

    Speaking of different wheel equipment, why do you guys still not have bar axles ?

    I cant see any reason for not having them, and axle duals are far superior to anything else on the market.

    I have nothing against UH making equipment for your requirements I just would like some for us as well.

    Why do I want a 32nd market here ??? ?? you may ask. Well it would be nice if there would be others that collect this scale that I could meet and talk to. I am gratefull for FTF and I do hope I can meet many of you one day, but it also would be nice to have an active group here.

    Cant understand why america have not adopt larger low profile tyres after using duals for a long time and going to 710 or 800' seem to get more traction less compaction and no messing about with dual. would not go back to daul wheels again.
  2. Good news that he's on the mend, terrifies me that mine could get ill and I couldn't do anything for them....

    And me? I had some bacon stuck in a tooth this morning which wouldn't come out, assumed I'd chipped my tooth.

    Called in at home after brekky and took a toothpick to it and the whole ruddy filling came out leaving a big hole in a back tooth which felt pretty thin on the outside.... Anyway, I ate a crisp and the outside of the tooth broke off too, so now I have a sharp broken tooth scratching the inside of my cheek...  >:(

    Fortunately, no pain.... yet....

    And your tongue keep find the broken tooth to annoy you even more
  3. Interesting reading here but woooooohooooooo about time this came around. MF and 7810 will be mine ;D8) , and if they need a bit of UK spec changing so be it. Now hows about some normal sized implements then not the biggest in range.

    Yes a good 5 furrow opal or the new jewal plough by LEMKEN
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