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Posts posted by AlexMF

  1. Because you were drunk I take it ??? Or did you have Davids snow shoes on ?

    you wouldn't be advocating drink driving now would you marky? :police: Don't make me tell Mrs F about your latest plans to spend loads of money on a whim! i mean become a farmer!

    The hundreds of fags he had stuffed down his trousers?! :P

    I've sort of given up thank you very much! didn't even ask for a sleeve from duty free!

    Be honest Tris... You'd tied his shoelaces together hadn't you ???

    so that's who that little man was running around at my feet...? i thought it was Dobby the house elf, from  harry potter, asked for his autograph and all he said was "pwwwttthhhhhhhh"  ::)

    Don't let Alex's new hair cut and designer stubble fool you, Mark. Alas he isn't as old as you think, them shoes is velcro! :D :D

    Poor Alex. We gents are up with the bird song, taking the preverbial out of young Alex while he lays there fast asleep . . .

    . . . . . in his cot. . . .

    with his nunights blanket. . . .

    :D :D :D

    them shoes are not velcro!...they're slip ons  :'( :-[. i think you are using the word "gents" rather loosely there Trissle...

    also re the Cot comment, we both know you're the only one short enough to fit into one of those! or did you forget to take your platform shoes off?! oh and about the blanket, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone! wouldn't be so funny if i told everyone you listened to the harry potter audio tapes as narrated by steven fry to fall asleep to, would it trissle? forgive me, my fingers slipped on my keyboard...

    only took me an afternoon nap and a jar of cow and gate babyfood to reply.... hope it meets expectations!


  2. tomorrow:

    give a 30minute presentation,

    do some christmas shopping,

    try not to fall asleep in my lecture,

    celebratory pint at the pub,

    go and watch my friend play the nurse in Medea (by euripides!),

    drive my friend to the airport for 3am, (so she can return to canada, eh?)

    if i manage all that without forgetting to do any of it i'll be happy! (as will the canadian i would imagine)

  3. comedy genius.. nearly spat my coffee for that one. superb  :D :D :D :D

    I have also been doing a bit of splitting and delivering... Tris would be ashamed of me... been at it since about 10am... made 4.5 bags so far.. delivered 2... need 7 by the day is out... 2.5 bags to go and I'll be in thge chair pushing out Zzzzzz's ... if Mrs F will let me

    felt a bit mean, but i really couldn't resist!

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