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Posts posted by modelfarmer2010

  1. In my mind I can imagine you being picked out at the customs and you had to explain the whole story to some airport guy ;D Would have been hilarious.

    oh it would have been alright..when i was taken photos there was plenty cops around and i was waiting for one of them to come over and then i'd have to explain what i was up to

  2. Well after a week of searching for somebody to mind BOB nobody would have him so there is nothing the farmer can do only take BOB with him . . most of the family came to say good luck to the farmer and make sure BOB gets into the car..farmer had his bag for the trip and all BOB wanted to take was his chainsaw...don't think he'll get into the USA  with that. . . .



    Even the local guards came out to follow them all the way to the airport just to be sure that he goes



    • Like 4
  3. Nice tyres make it look a monster , like how the boss can justify new wheels for that but still has a 3 wheel trailer

    The boys on the farm just said the same. . . . sure he has wellingtons with 2 holes in them but will buy new tyres before wellingtons
  4. Was it an easy enough job getting the driver into the 3050 Brendan?? ::)

    It was easy enough..the top part/green part of cab lifted off with small bit of effort. .looked like there wasn't much glue holding it down..when you lift off the green part of roof there is a 2nd roof under that with a hole in it just big enough for the driver and I pushed the driver through that..

    • Like 1
  5. It was time for the 3050 to get dirty and do some work so dave said he would take out a few loads and try out the 3050




    There wasn't much room for working near the pit with bob still holding the hose but he said the steering was great on the 3050..but he forgot to put on the pto shaft....







    • Like 4
  6. :laugh:  :laugh: Poor old Bob.... it be hope the lads don't want to get the steam cleaner out to wash him off! :laugh:  :laugh: 


    Great work Brendan, always puts a smile on my face reading this thread :) Keep up the great work on your shed and the fantastic mishaps of Bob! 8)

    Poor ol Bob... he spent all day yesterday been power hosed down and 7 hours in the shower but still a smell of s#@t off him. . . runnin out of jobs for him now on the farm . . what will he do next. . . . .
    • Like 1
  7. Well twas all go again today with the 2 tanks until BOB arrived to HELP out..bob said he would throw on and off the hoses for the boys to save them getting off the tractor..so dave showed bob what to do and after 4/5 hours bob said he knew what to do . . . . .  .




    OH bob knew how to take off the hose alright . . . . but forgot to close the valve before he took the hose off. . . . that bob is there any job he can be left doing? ???



    • Like 5
  8. This is the milk tank of the future the farmer tells Bob as he checks it out..It will cost less to run..it will wash faster and cleaner and the tank will even send you a text message....well thats what it says on the Dairymaster website anyway.....added a bit of colour to it today just have to get the Dairymaster logo now for the front of it....and add few pipes when the rest of palour is finished





    • Like 3
  9. Thanks for every ones the help, and Brendan for letting me hijack your topic for a bit. :)


    Also do you think Bob might calm down if he is allowed to play with a nice Massey? ???

    That's grand its all about helping each other...bob on a massey. . . sure the farmer allows him drive the MF 135 to get the cows from the field for milking cause it can't go too fast that was only after he crashed the new quad bike tho
  10. The new sheds looking well! That milk tank is a good size too, how many liters is it?

    Were you using flux, or a flux cored solder? This can be a cause of the solder going everywhere, it almost just rolls off the metal.

    thanks..I've gone big enough with the milk tank to allow for the extra cows over the next few years......20,000 litres can fit into it so should do the job
  11. This is a gate I made a long time ago and it seemed to work at the time and is still together now?


    As far as the flux goes I have a little pot. ???



    looks ok to me..i clean up the solder using a metal file and some sand paper before painting too and it gives a better finish

  12. You have got a really good shape to that ladder. Your soldering is really neat, out of interest do you use a electric iron or a torch?

    Thanks..the shape of ladder is the what's on the tank I'm copying and looks ok so far..i bought a electric solder first but it was too small and wasn't hot enough for the solder..i then bought a small gas one and its plenty hot and very fast
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