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Luke (DeWitt)

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Posts posted by Luke (DeWitt)

  1. Looks sharp. I will check on the fire location though, the person that would know is out of town for a little while but when they get back I should have more info. From everything I gathered it was isolated to the blue Ford 9030's around 1996 only. I heard that it affected around 100 machines nationwide so id say its safe to assume that Ford caught the issue but I will keep looking into this one.

  2. Claas 900 (I hope to add a 980 but I am still waiting for the builder)

    John Deere 9630 with silage blade

    John Deere 9430 with silage blade

    Kenworth with 22' Meyers silage box

    John Deere 7430 with H&S silage wagon

    Either John Deere 4960 or 7280R with the 34' Oxbo hay merger

    John Deere 7930 with Pottinger butterfly mowers or 9430 with mowers. (It depends on if I can get my Pottingers built to my specs.)

    I will add various wagons and trucks for hauling as they get built but that is close to the final line up.

  3. There is a big fight in my town if they should allow them or not. The ones complaining usually say it will wreck their view, lower their property value and they make too much noise. The funny thing is that these are the same people who always talk about needing "green" energy. Personally I think they look pretty cool, I have gone past a few wind farms a few towns over and the little sound they do make sounds kind of cool as well. The only concern I have is that I was reading an article on their high maintenance cost and failure rate and if there is any validity to the article it sounds they they can do more harm then good.

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