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Everything posted by NCC

  1. He only did it as a joke, he's working for me now, a proper boss, on a proper tractor and not a haybob in sight :D :D
  2. I don't think we'll be seeing him again, you've just about told him to fook off FP :D :D
  3. Nevermind part exchange, I'll swap you for it :D :D
  4. I think so Luke, it has them hare and tortoise buttons on the constantly locking up gear lever, me and Ford don't get on :D :D
  5. Used to live down down in Sunny Sidmouth before we moved up here, had to get away from the tourists, only to find more of em up here :D :D It's 2nd D for me when I'm tedding in the Massey sometimes in to 3rd B aswell when it's light enough. Would love to be doing a bit of tedding now, memories of tedding right behind a McCormick MC 135 and Kuhn FC 303, spreading 3 swaths at once while listening to Tim Westwoooood on Radio 1. Can remember that like yesterday, think I finished 3.30am Saturday morning ;D :P
  6. I think your right Luke, cause she's a reet b:tch to get on with, like most females :D :D
  7. I had a breif stint in our 7740 last summer silage carting, as the massey had blown a hose to the spool block :o Furk me was it hot in that cab, heater was on full wack blowing out hot air , doors closed for me though otherwise I get hayfever :D, guzzling Robinsons summer fruit in my Hackett polo top :D :D We could be long lost brothers Luke, you weren't born in Exeter hosiptal where you ??? \ \ :D
  8. I think it's a different ECE to the spreader manufactuer Martin, to be honest I'm not even sure it is a ECE as the logos have all but disappeared with age, I just seem to recall ECE thats all \ \ \ I'll get you some pics of though Martin, it's minus one wheel at the moment though after I burrowed one from it when I had the blowout on the Griffiths :D :
  9. It was half off by the time I had stopped Gav, got the lever under it back at the farm, popped it back in and blew her up :D I think you might be right there Luke, it only blew out going across the junction though didn't it. They don't half pick there moments these trailers :D :D
  10. You still use haybobs :o :D ;) I use to feel the same when we used haybobs to ted out was so hot and boring sat in the 7740. We have a good 21 acre field that use to take two and a half hours with two of us at it, it's pretty thick grass so you can't go that fast through it otherwise it starts missing lumps : Can do 20 acre in an hour though now easily, open all 25ft up and away you go at 15k :D :D Got an assortment of trailers or the Jag: 8 ton AS Marton x 2 6 ton Griffiths 4 ton ECE and we borrow one from a neighbouring farm, last year it was a 10 ton Marshall ;)
  11. I think I'll stick with what I've got thanks ricky, I can safely say that looks horrendous :D ;)
  12. NCC

    The office

    Your alright MFF, was just pulling your leg ;) :)
  13. Very nice pics Martin, wouldn't mind seeing one of those in action, there certainly different :) As for trailed fert spreaders, transport and field speed play big parts I think. 3.5 ton of fert sat on the back of the tractor is stressful enough, but doing 10-15k over a bumpy field or 40-50k down a pot hole ridden road when fully laden must be 10 times as stressful on the arms, axle etc espeically when you hit a bump. I ripped the threads off our top link when fert spreading a few years back after hitting a pot hole in the road, spreader dropped like a sack of tatties, sending fert everywhere including the bonnet of the car behind me. Did I tell him fert would rot his tin work, did I eck :D :D :D
  14. NCC

    The office

    Deere oh Deere :D Everything was right except for the 2 switches on the right, if you look mighty close you'll see that there 4wd and Diff lock ;) Beacon switch and rear windscreen wiper switch are mounted in the roof just below the sunroof ;) Go on MFF you arrogant know it all, sit in the corner with that John Deere dunces hat on yer noggin :D :D ;) ;)
  15. Looking good FP, put her in the post then ;) :D :D ;)
  16. Cheers Tris, yeah the Taarups are good solid mowers we've got 2 and both are still going strongly, well only one is at the moment as I blew the gearbox up big time in the other but thats a different story \ . Easy to maintain and run though, just getting hard nowadays to source parts \ \ \ I dread to think what a fastrac could do to the Griffiths, shredded tyres, snapped axle, ripped up drawbar, chaasis in 2 halves :o :o Would be fun though :D :D
  17. Pay attenion now Phillip , it's a 3155 autoshift, with very bouncy suspension :D :D
  18. I've done the odd bit of carting etc with the Fastrac went up Lincs a few months back for some veg waste :D, Never really asked about hiring it though \ \ You can only drive one at once :D
  19. JCB Fastrac 3155 and McCauley 16 ton dump trailer :P
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