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Everything posted by NCC

  1. NCC

    The office

    First person to work out what all the levers, knobs and buttons do, get's a pair of NCC's special Pink Pants :o :D
  2. :o Good luck, can you make me one while your at it too :D :D
  3. I'll suggest that to the owner, note the back door stops hanging off the back, too silly to laugh at : :D :D
  4. Rust bucket on wheels, all be it a flat one :D
  5. I go over the junction and all I here is ppiissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Our Griffiths trailer suddenly got air brakes that literally ground me to a halt in seconds. Luckily it didn't damage the rim or tyre, unlike last time when it did it at 40k. Blowouts eh > :D
  6. That will do then, but please don't wink again, I get all hot and flustered [ :D Cheers Luke, I was hungry, hadn't had any snap since 12.30pm :o :o :D
  7. She was disabled after you tripped her up and ran over her with your trolley, it's only a parking space :D :D
  8. Quite a few contractors round here have fancy new tractors, McCormick MTX's, NH TM's TSA's etc. Most are bought on finance so there not paying 40k, 50k in one lump sum instead there paying off little bits at a time throughout the year, to put it plain and simple. I can't say as I like the idea of constantly owing money to someone or having the headache of having to find huge amounts of work to pay x amounts of money a month for a tractor. Instead I go and buy a decent 2nd hand tractor that I own, it might not have shiny paint and all the latest gadgets of a McCormick MTX but it's probably just as reliable, goes just as fast and gets the job done like the McCormick and most importantly I own it and I pull the strings. I also bought a 2nd hand Kuhn GF 7601 8 rotor tedder last april for 4k, I knew I could get some work with it and planned it out that I it would of paid for its self within 2 years if I charged ?4 an acre for it. By June last year I had done something like 2000 acres with it. A hell of a lot more acres than I expected I would get and by the end of September last year I had covered about 3500 acres tedding out silage, haylage and hay. I'll let you do the maths as my tea is ready but the tedder paid for it's self near enough and I only had a 1 days worth of breakdowns. Down to a roll pin shearing on the digidrive on the last 2 rotors and a snapping a hinge/joint again on the end rotors. Doing 15k+ on unrolled fields is rather rough on it. It's all about planning really and exploiting the gaps in the contracting market near to you. You can only plan so much though as I managed to get 3000 acres more work last year than I bargained for and that was just tedding ;D I hope that makes sense and reads right, the smell of tea cooking has got me in a spin :D :D
  9. :D :D Oh Marky I Just got me First Aid and saving of life badge, by cutting the reef knot ;D :D
  10. No probs Texas, do you want it gift wrapped aswell :D :D :
  11. CCCcaannn''tt brreeaatthhhhhhhhh :D :D
  12. Scouts again :'( :'( :'( I think I'm going to hang myself with a reef knot :D :D
  13. Cheers for that Texas, NCC is off to buy a 1/1 scale Vervaet harvester tomorrow, just so I can get the 1/32 version : :D
  14. Looks like one of those Berkmortel & Berkmortel models ??? :P
  15. Clever idea that, not as good as mounting a mirror on the end of one though, so you can see what traffic is coming when poking out of blind gateways ;) :D Yeah I don't mind the big tracked monsters either 9420T, 8430T etc oh and the 7000 and 8000 series but thats it \ \ ;) Could never get one with a 6800 and Quicke loader we had one summer, useless thing. Used to keep trying to split it's self going down the road, had to tighten the bolts up at every destination :D I don't think the Quicke 980 helped though, maybe a a bit too much stress etc \ \ \
  16. Nice pics there Tris, nice comfy tractor them maxxums ;)
  17. He's a bugger for that Marky, theres a whole line of spreaders or tankers lined up in that NH pic, what do we get a picture of a NH steering wheel : :D :D ;)
  18. Looking good Martin, with the nice shiny grey :o New pins aswell, no exspence spared eh :D ;)
  19. Some nice pics there luke, the 6020 series is about the only JD I like \ but why the tines in the weights, line markers ???
  20. Excellent pics Texas ;) Those forage wagons don't half dwarf that JD :o
  21. Nice trailers them sparrowlegs, think I'm going to have to use up some of my old chassis's ;) Were on 600kg bags too, Kemira ;)
  22. 1/25th Dickie I believe, if only it was 1/32 :P
  23. I would of thrown them out aswell, quite a good place to get some shut eye, for me anyway :D ;)
  24. Might try that, I chucked a fart machine in the girl friends hand bag once, I was stood outside Next and the likes while she was shopping, pressing the remote like bloody hell. Soon was home :D ;D
  25. I got booted in the leg by a newly calved cow today, I didn't get annoyed though. I got even ;) :D
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