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Everything posted by trigger82

  1. Got this as my very first model back in 1996 to keep and never had it out off box still have the Recipt for it .And the shop is still going .
  2. Yes 80 or 90 tractors out . No i had my young lad with me today so we went in the mini ha . Here a photo of the TW15..
  3. Well was at a tractor run today and in the shed this display was on nice
  4. Well i am 35 now and when i was 13 i started to keep my models then play with them ha .So over them long years i have been picking up few model. I think i have over 1000 models or so i be getting them all out next month for a show so i keep yours posted . It nevers stops i keep picking some up.
  5. Was over helping friend bring in bales off silage today . He was useing this tractor .
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