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Posts posted by jakescot

  1. How wooooood. That'll teach you to mess around with old ladies. Stick with the younger ones; they usually keep their bushes trimmed and certainly wouldn't have it growing round their back door. Mucky li'l devil. ;D:D

      ha ha ha very good................theres plenty of old ladies round here  who have overgrown bushes :D;D:D;D:D;D:D;D:P....................folks retire round here buy lovely houses with big gardens , then get older and can`t look after them.

  2. my mate arrived up with his new toy ( new to him) and asked if I could get the pto driven hydraulic pump off for him, HE couldnt seem to get it...he`s not a farmer and only used to PTO shafts with side buttons  not the turning collars and as in this case the push forward and pull back type...........for once , I was able to help him, He`s off to lift some big logs they cut during the summer and I`m off for me dinner!

    hope this works ok


  3. beaten by the rain here too, 14mm`s overnight, windy too a small bit of branch blew off one of the trees and has scratched the Claas  bonnet  the first bl**dy mark on it  >:( >:(>:( >:(>:(....600 hrs  since march and not so much as a scratch......which I thought for me was good........ Now I`m wet, cold ,annoyed and its gettin near xmas BAH HUMBUG !!!!

  4. I think we are all with you, John.  Livestock farmers have a hard enough time as it is without pneumonia. 

    Hang in there

    Grief John, how distressing... has it hit your herd, or have you managed to keep it at bay ???

    we`ll see tomorrow how they`re looking, only one batch  so far but we`ve 4 vulnerable batches. this is the first BIG outbreak we`ve had for 5 or 6 yrs ,fingers crossed  and thanks  both for yr good wishes ,

  5. I understand the NAWICH thing too ..........................well travelled you see he he he,

    Today for me was spent gettin cattle in to get them treated for a VERY severe pneumonia outbreak....I`ve been amongst cattle for .......30 yrs and never before have I seen this strain, whatever it is, makes them VERY ill VERY quickly , just hoping and prayin that RESFLOR is as good as they say it is, it certainly costs plenty !

  6. yes I think its a 35 model.I`m more familiar with  the later 80 loader.The  centre ram was different on it to this one.....I used one for years........around 14 seasons handling 2000 + round bales stacked and fed out  each year, plus all the mucking etc. The 3  rams til the day it went away NEVER leaked a drop of oil. the 880 we followed it with was leakin within a month , although once sorted was fine for a good while.

  7. we use a red cab one  at least weekly, I wrap bales with her in the summer......had a new engine 4 yrs ago too.It was rolled on its first day out  not by us !!!!! 

    she`s a W reg and we got her in 1986 as 3rd owners  showing her age sadly too now. I stacked all the bales this summer with her due to the Claas loader brackets not being the same  on the bale squeezer....it was done for an MF 880 loader which was on the 390 we traded in and which is now fitted to the 590........On 12/38`s  she needs the 1050`s on the front really for the weight.9 000 odd hours genuine on the clock, but as I say, a new engine in 4 yrs ago which will have done no more than 1200 hrs.

  8. I bought the Claas SPFH........it did work and bought another on ebay,also have the non motor version boxed also off ebay.I`m pretty sure it went back and forward and the pick up did turn

    I got the  white County, Ford gift set with the howard,vicon and I think the maschio in 87 ...may have been 88 actually..... a while since I`ve seen it its packed away, got the ford and howard set , ford on its own and vicon on its own  on ebay too a couple of  yrs ago. I dont remember them being very reliable .I never had the combine

    what they worth nowadays in the boxes????

  9. and folks used to say I had all the bl :o :ody fergies that were made................I never did , dont even have HALF that and in any case would just be in 1/32 tho I did have the corgi`s back in "play days" .........ach you know the score they got trashed   :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

    even run a claas at work now ..........twas a sad day I tell ye....Ive never been so un excited by a new tractor as I was the day it arrived.

    guess my blood runs red ............wait a minute ?..........don`t we all have red blood so everyone`s really an MF fan underneath   ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D


    :D :D :D    ;D ;D ;D

    fantastic collection Marky keep them doors locked ......................more seriously I hope you are well insured ..........mine are covered for ?12 000 I believe .............maybe best check that out :o

  10. yes its  VERY early  power loader and I`m agreeing with Sean ,Itwould have come off a 135 , 148 or 165 or similar........... DEF before the MF 80 power loaders they put on the 500`s and subsequent 200`s

  11. Graham , this is yet another fantastic layout from the forum members,.....I`ve complained for years and yes personally to britains about the lack of suitable accessories for us for our layouts......just shows you if you take what you have , you`ll never want !!

    Like Marky , I showed a few of the pics to a mate of mine who`s an engineer, he`s blown away by the detail

    You arent gonna sell it are you?

    anyway thanks for sharing


  12. Do any of you remember the push out fold and glue  together cardboard farm  ..................was it evedale farm or somethin?I forget it was so long ago but ...I may even still have the dog kennel , the rest didn`t last long if I remember rightly.No idea when it was from other than I`d get it in the 70`s

    I also had/still have the big pre moulded farmhouse and newer base, would be bought in 1987 or thereabouts ............I never really liked it or used it other than puttin it together.... anyone else have , used to have it?

  13. I remember unloading sheep in Delabole Market.  Cousin Henry said - "if one breaks to your right grab it but if one breaks to your left leave it for the chap on your left."  Fine; sheep moving nicely to the pens, one breaks to my right, I make a grab for it and Henry, on my RIGHT, also makes a grab for it.  Our heads cracked together knocking us both silly and 92 sheep ended up running all over the market.   

    He really took some stick over that, bless him.

  14. Poor chap... I do sympathise (although it is funny) - I used to bring my sheep in with a bucket of feed. One day I was walking briskly up the field with the flock happily racing after me, and a guy who used to help us bringing up the rear, when one of the larger ewes caught the back of my welly and sent me flying. There were sheep nuts everywhere and they all just raced over me to get at them. The guy helping just couldn't stop laughing :-[

  15. I did it once with a very old heavy awkward bomford machine with a short reach on the back of a Same something or other a 5cyl job old old S reg one.I remember thinking I wouldnt be fussed if I ever did it again or not......Slow slow even when you get used to it .I did a lot of damage , Nobody told me to take it down  gently so my work was rough , :o....... well I was 16 !!!! took me 4 days with loppers and shears to tidy it up a bit ! I also had lots of long crap on the road......yes a wee side road C class.The guy who does it for us uses an 8630 nice and stable he says.I think it`s a bomford falcon or something like that.I asked him about it and he said start on driving on tarmac til you`ve done  some and feel more confident with the machine.

    All advice I`ve  read above  from the experts sounds good to me........We pay ?16.50 an hour nowadays plus the guy fills up with diesel before he leaves .He`s 2 days with us and another 2 1/2 on the next door farm we have grass let on.There is a guy uses a County and an old bomford.he`s rougher  but works out cheaper as he`s faster and doesn`t take diesel but some years forgets to come round , why we moved off using him.

    PS a couple of stories to make you think too............my dad`s cousin cut his face open right across his chin........he was using a saw blade type back years and years ago......he caught a wire which  sliced thru the canvas cab and hit him.he`s lucky to be alive.his bro in law lost an eye when  his machine hit something. it  broke  his  cab window and  hit him in the face.Guy who is sadly no longer with us once had bits fly off an ash tree shrub thing in a hedge near us, the bits flew into a car coming behind ,broke the windscreen and the lady driver drove right into the back of him.She suffered neck injuries and is now in a wheelchair. That has to be balanced with the thousands of miles of hedge cut every year with no hassle however.

  16. well thats conclusive proof from Marky but I also know from personal experience................I`ve been in MF500`s since 1978, the first tractor I ever drove was dad`s new 565 then  I was 9........did work in it on a reg basis from 1982, Also  a 575 , red cab ,and from 1986 til today a red cab 590.that tractor was rolled over on its first day`s work at a farm nearby, we got it 3rd hand.its a W reg

    Def  no factory fitted second seat, single person cab only...........that said I used to fit behind the seat , between and the back window, as did a dog when I wasnt there!

  17. to lighten this topic up again....something that made me laugh today :).......My cousin Donnie`s  a plumber, and has often  helped us out here on the farm.He recounted  about working on  a farm cottage not too far away doing a refurb..anyways the guy`s father still is workin a bit on the farm and likes to dodge away at things.He`d been in and made  them both a coffee and said oh well I`d better go and get the store lambs in,David`s wantin a lorry load to go away on thursday and duly set off.

    Donnie was working away but could see what was goin on out the windows and saw the old guy go to the field gate and send a collie dog off to round up the sheep.Next thing , he`s shoutin and swearin at the dog and or the sheep  >:( >:( .....the sheep,as sheep do, weren`t playing ball and refused to come in. >:(He ended up goin out into the field and half rounding them up himself.

    He has a limp and some days is really quite lame so chasin sheep isn`t ideal for him anyway at his age.The sheep as I say eventually start to go out of the gate and hoof it off up the road.He`s walking back towards the gate,waving his stick at the dog and clearly mutterin something. >:( >:(As he nears the gate he calls the dog  who by now is skulking away half way down the field  keeping well out of range of the stick  :o.Dog dutifully and rather shyly comes up to him and Donnie said you could see what was coming.... ;) ;).As the dog got nearer he says he was lining up to catch it.It was too fast for him and dodges away through the gate and up the road after the sheep. :D

    He shouted it back again and it did  come back rather sheepishly and he says again you could see this coming. :P

    The old guy`s gettin ready to aim a kick at this dog as he got near to him...dog approaches and kick is aimed which the collie deftly dodged which sent  the old guy  spinning half round and and falling flat on his back in all the muck. :D;D:D :D Donnie said he burst out laughing  at this point  but kept looking long enough to see said old guy pickin himself up and having a look around to see if anyone had spotted this . :-[He said he was even more lame than usual and  covered in mud as he toddled off up the road.!!!!!!! :P

    well it made me laugh at least ! ;D:D;D:D;D:D

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