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Posts posted by P.Morrison

  1. here we go,gonna be a new tv show now called pimp my tractor ain't there,

    hope so, i can think of a few ones close to me that could do with that! ( 6810 what you think ricky)

  2. You numpty there are two within a mile of you!!!

    Both on the same farm one is Valmet 64** The other a larger Valtra **** not sure the number,

    Both get massive abuse and work hard and have never broken down,

    Well the 64" burnt out oil pump buckraking as reversing up steep slopes the oil drained from the pump, wasn't enough oil in her!!

    I totally forgot about them!! Never see them

  3. Quite a few new Valtras round here. Local arable farm has a T150, big silage contractor has 2 T190's I think on buckrakes and a mate of mine has a Valtra M150. There just the ones of the top of my head ;) ;)

    A mate of mine was for buying on, but decicded on a 7495, chipped to 240 hp, for buck raking, traded in a Tm 190 for it

  4. Does many farms near you use valtra (valmet) tractors?  Just wondering cause can only think of one valtra in this area.  There not to popular over here!

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