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Everything posted by farmernick06

  1. A few more of loading up and then a picture with all three pieces in
  2. He said he would let me in the cab but there is hardly any room for passengers, he also said if he was offered a brand new John Deere Massey Ferguson he would always choose his old Ford as he loves the feel of actually doing the job and is sick to death with all the computers in the cabs \ Loading the tatties back up
  3. He left the cab open so i could have a look around, and a side view
  4. Rear view of the Manitou, phwoarr shes a beast from the behind angle and a Marston used for taking the dumpty bags to the field On the other side it's got the farms decals
  5. Um some more of the Manitou with the seed bag ( Again Mart can you help me, i wouldn't really call them seeds \ I don't know the proper term ) And the farmer was really nice today very understanding and told me all about the soils and other machinery around the area and all stuff like that
  6. Again the Ford just entering the field to start another run
  7. A shot of the Ford and the Manitou Again Mart can help me out i don't know the proper name for the drill, unless it is a drill? Never really seen this kit before mainly cereals where i am \
  8. Well coming home from school i saw some more happenings at yesterdays destination so thought i would check it out and was quite shocked yet amazed The first Ford i've properly seen before and i have fallen in love with the Manitou. The first two are of the Manitou just backing up from the Ford after dropping a load about 1 min too late really
  9. Thanks Will, Nah not on the railway this one it's in the middle of the field with metal fences around theres alot of pipes and everything like that so yeah i assumed that it is a Balfour Beatty job. The guy next door works for them so i'll ask, didn't get any pictures of it again today because ... well you'll see later * the whole of FTF sighs at the promise of yet more photos * But you might like these
  10. Yeah over my fields there just aren't the need for the big kit like huge presses and all that kind of kit, instead of one big field over here they'll have a 3 or 4 yet all with the same crop \ \ Seems strange but i do like the kit down here more relaxed and compact
  11. Thats brilliant mate love that indeed, can i ask where did you get the wheels and the frame for the wheels to go on? They may come in useful for a project of mine
  12. Awesome pictures Mart, shame i haven't seen alot of kit like that down here. I know the last time i saw them getting the field ready from straw they went straight on with the subsoiler and then the plough \ \ Im sure thats what happened \ \ Great pictures mate as i said
  13. Yeah i'll have to go further out on the bike more often, i know the farm shop do alot of tattie work and buy the rest in i though from Barkers ( the farm that i normally watch ). And awesome mate i'll look forward to those
  14. Cheers Mart, I knew your the boss on all this kind of kit I'll try and get some more pictures for you of the tattie side of things round here. That implement on the back of the green Valtra looked like a beast of a thing had an idea it was to do with the trenches \ Was suprised how deep it was to be honest \
  15. That looks great i amsuming that the money back then is alot less than today how much roughly would that be today? Thanks for posting Marky
  16. Afterschool detention And then my mate told me his girlfriend was my cousin And she is!! :D So a girl in my year and at the opposite school to me ( Girls and boys grammar ) is my cousin \ Pretty cool Im happy
  17. Sean i don't know alot about old Deeres apart from the 2650 but they both look awesome keep us posted on what you do it looks awesome and this has real real potential mate... good luck with everything
  18. Last two i promise Tomorrow i should post up some pictures of a blue McCormick thats working down the road from me, battery was low today Opps Ben i meant ditches :D Not the FTF dwalves
  19. Im lost now within these pictures .. can't do commentary although i know soon i found an implement that our Australian member Reece might like, i think he computer designed one recently \ \ Think it was Reece
  20. I also spotted this little beast, maybe the same model but in a Claas green/ Valtra pea greeny colour with an implement that has something to do with the titches Mart will know I don't see much of this kit often so ... Yeah Ben i think thats best :D No problem CCF, i enjoy doing it and getting out and about so it's good to share them \ Even though i bore members to death
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