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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. That 5000 does look alot more Uk style than the other one they did, i wonder if the mucked up the relases, personlay the 1st one looks alot more USA style , just my thourghts
  2. I know, green line has had 4 masseys in for work in the last month , must be getting a good name, I lowred the front mout but 2-3mm, made all the diffrance, joel took it with him when he went home, so no more red stuff kicking around the workshop
  3. I knew quickie was Alo, Very good loaders i recon Strange its not a stoll, my mf dealer has a new 5455 with a red stoll on it
  4. She looks spiffy mark, might need to take of the 2 outer weights, could do some damage in the end, Is that loader a Quicke or a stoll? has the quickie look to me \
  5. Those two words bring back some good memories of welldrilling Ohh i miss that job
  6. just thought i needed to kick this up to the light of day again, damn good laugh to be had over and over
  7. Dont worry about that, Ol has big enough kit to take care of the avrage paddock in 2 passes
  8. So it was MF that made those Gawd Awfull silage garbs Boss on my 1st farm brought me a silage grab for our newish loader, he got me one of those, wasnt even the same width as the loader frame :
  9. Had 15mm last night with a huge thunderstorm woke me up at 12am when my insides of my chest were rattling from the soundwaves, thourght the house was going to fall down, loudest thunder i have ever herd Had around 70mm sin the last 4 days
  10. Give me a Chain or ratchet tiedown and day, i have big issues with ropes, ant had a issue with a cahin ever
  11. Thats done allready, just have to finsh the things im making for it
  12. Thanks guys, all our fels are fairly close to the cab, i was just going to go quickie, i dont have a k100 with loader to try Dont you think the bucket sits to far off the ground tho ?
  13. Ermm Bc they are Zikos photos, ziko did a bulk post on the 1st page and gave reposted them in 6,s
  14. Ok guys havent seen this on here yet, ive been asked to have a go at one, here are some pics, ive used the valtra c loader, i thik the mf chassis is to tall for the loader, and the sub frame leans to far forward Tell me what you think please guys, i dont do Mf so i dont know if its rite Shows how high the loader is off the ground with out the bucket tilted So what do you think?? I think is wrong
  15. Looks good, what models went into that then ??
  16. Its still deathly bright at night isnt it God do i realy want that thing in my shed it will Glow like a light :D I wish some one got the 6600 incident on film, that would be a aussome pic
  17. Yeah it was you ol
  18. Sorry to be a wet blanket on you mate Here is a link to the topic re pics http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=20333.0
  19. Nice pics Ziko but please keep to the 6 picture per post limit, takes to long to load them all in on post
  20. Only when it goes, get a pic of the bend in the bullbar mate ;D
  21. With saying that, the jd does use less fuel and is Ment to have a better blow than the claas 800 series I was told this thru word of mouth so it might be wrong
  22. God, didnt realise you had so many masseys, now rember joel, Green line has seen to many masseys come thru the workshop lately so they ant got space in the garage :D Where is the 6410??
  23. Wow those are super, i love the tilt hitch, i could do with a set or 2 of those digger buckets
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