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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. we run a claas loader wagon, it cut our silage billn half, its all on farm tho, they are getting popular around here now tho
  2. Its a good idea jez, the crane wount be to hard, its mainly 2 bits of i beam, would the tanker be stable enough to handle the crane tho??
  3. Luke, can you get any more pics of the massey 50? loader looks realy tidy
  4. I think it could be 12th june julyjez, Not 100% sure but i think it is
  5. Thats what i was thinking mark, it could be a small witdh swamp lough for peat land???
  6. Wow they are stunning, top work, those 3 furrow ploughs are realy nice
  7. Wow stunning pics mark, the detail is stunning, i can smell the grass from here
  8. that same looks like a lepoard
  9. You wouldnt shoot your own baby simon i know you are smarter than that, they are around nzd$ 20-25k for a half decent 4wd, bit more with front end laoders
  10. the jd loaders miss the weights, real pain in the a$$ with them on loading trucks and the like, you can ram the weights into fuel tanks if you forget they are on :
  11. :o Now i didnt think we were aloud to photo shop real things to 32 sclae in this section, Wow that is stunning , top work dan
  12. Ohh i know she was, you would have been crying if you herd the normal driver driving her, grinding every gear :'( :'( he was juts plain rough on her :'( > Now how do you think yours would go driving half way around the world :D When you here her start up in 30ish hours its not me taking her : I am now trying to find one for sale at a nice price Nope not our tractor, was the contractors machine Thanks for the comments guys, yeah it was slightly difffrent, but no one knew what the final plans were : so it was more standing around than doing it
  13. They arnt made in kiwi land in real life are they
  14. Wow that looks smart kevin, What wheels have you used? i used Deutz 210 front wheels to do my equal wheel conversion
  15. Our krone hasnt needed parts in the 10 yrs we have had it, now ive said that it will break down this year
  16. Now the dirty old leyland, i didnt drive her, we put this bin on our own 4240 but i didnt get pics She looked like she would have been a nice drive tho Found another of the trencher And that is all for now, ill get more pics at work when i get my new cell phone, hope this one lasts longer than 3 months
  17. The 3140 on the 1st stone bine, ohh she was a beuat to drive The in the cab view doing the work I was in heaven driving this old girl, i wanted to keep her
  18. Now on to the drainge boys, the trencher is a interdrain, pro built machine, only done 700 hrs Ant she ugly Inside the cab look at all them levers, was control screens on the other side but my phone packed a sad Our 2040 on loader duty for the stone bins
  19. Few pics form the last few weeks Had the james pasture subsoiler on the mxu110, cor she could pig root with this on Thats all of those, got around 3/4 of the main farm done that we wanted, so 8 out of the 12 paddocks, we try to do 3 paddocks in each area each year, make sence?? its now to hard to pull it with out making a mess
  20. Hmmm was ment to be pr!ck, must have got landed by the lanuage filter thingy :D
  21. Dont wory boys there is a truck there on the right hand corner of the chopper, they were still on the opening lap, dont know why the mrs hadnt shifted out yet \
  22. Could it be a trailer that can hold silage and it also has joal trelborg wheels to make it move easyer :D
  23. Well thourght i should do a slight update here, Been pretty busy We drilled all the maize paddocks out into new grass, Pushed out the sand hill for this year on the main farm, got out new root rake/grapple for the same tractor for cleaning up after the hedge cutter I will have some pics later of last weeks work, cant get pb going at the moment We have had the drainge boys in with a inter darin trencher a pc 60 digger a jd 3140 with stone bin and a leyland 4wd with stone bin Pics later
  24. odd she didnt come on solids since the dealer knew what you were doing with her, shame on them realy, I was at my massey daler the othere day and he had a 7480 there, it had a Huge tyre defect on it, on the rear, was michilen tyres, half inch deep buy quater inch wide by 3 foot long grove in the tyre wall inder a layer of rubber so he didnt see it till he noticed the ripple in the rubber, he was ment to send it to a farmer that day at least he caught it before it was a problem On my old JD 6410, i towed a 10 ton silage wagon and tip trailer and i was for ever snaping the bolts from the dish to the rim \ \ one or 2 a week when i was carting sand, was a real ***** honsetly, we welded up the wheels then shore the main center hubs off, woops, we got solids in the end
  25. Send her up top me pudd, ill get her restored in a flash, ill have to have a paly next time im down
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