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Everything posted by Kiwi6920

  1. So much for using the spell checker And yes i did
  2. You need my team of boys ( good mates they do our sheds) over there rab, wow to go in 3 weeks for a 40 bail rotary cow shed, 10 guys 7days doing milking plant and bails and concrete, new record for the company, started with a bare foundation, 3 weeks later new working milking shed
  3. Nice to see Pudding finally sent you the one of his yard Marky, hope she isn't to much trouble and she never misses a beat like the old girls
  4. Dont think it would be the same working it tho tris
  5. Guessing you can shed some light on how??
  6. Talk about shifting the goal posts I was going to do my pics today but thourght tomorrow is better :D
  7. Hey jez, any chanc of pics of how you do your duals please?
  8. Ohh that is a good sight, the boy has nice taste, keep him on the green line mate
  9. I would have been the same, when i get the sinking feeling i un hitch the roller get out of the issue and hook on me chain and get it rolled and not stuck, i never got my 2wd 6610 ford stuck using that method
  10. Yeah, that still hurts, knowing how much people will pay, tris is happy tho
  11. Wow that looks the dogs mate, just love it, the 7530 looks so real, its just majic, cant wait to strat stacking
  12. Wow that is one ell of a shed, the master has struck again, looks at home in your set up massey boy, gots have good workshop for all them masseys
  13. Nice so the kiwi boys get the yanks rubsh then :D
  14. There is a mx 305 and 210 there some where also
  15. Just finshed the new whopper silage pit, just got to paint it up and get some silage in the back to look proper
  16. Who said any thing about a paddock ol, id just pough in the fences on the whole farm :D
  17. Just cleaning and storing all the dirt kit for the end of season, moved all the silage gear to the front of the sheds, gota carry on building the workshop
  18. Just put the old girls on once a day milking for a week or so then they will go dry, starting to get winter fert on now, were just finishing up our hedge cutting
  19. :'( Poor old girl, it could possably be a cat d47u,or a d2 just the rear tank makes me think that, but i dont think it is, it looks like a petrol engine?? im pretty sure its a cat, the rear tank and the left hand side of the radatior cowling tell me it is
  20. Wow that looks so much better, how many hours work went in to that ??
  21. Looks realy good jez, You could mount the compressor on the rake, its allways in the paddock near the flat tyres and so on just a idea, Could be in for a sedt of snap ons now,
  22. looking nice tris, guessing the kiwi edtion one will end up the same?
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