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Everything posted by powerrabbit

  1. Well, I'm afraid that I don't agree with this 'Europe' label malarky, (on soapbox) I am British and proud of it and live in Great Britain and if we are to be instructed from Brussells to speak French, I shall shoot myself! :'( (Off soapbox).
  2. These trailers are here now, just had a couple come this afternoon, shall most likely keep one. Don't know if they're limited but looks like an 'authentic' box, silver with the Company 'crest' on the top, all in french of course and you're right, it's massive, would look the part on a tripple-wheeled Deutz or similar but would look like a T20 pulling a double-decker bus behind a Britains Ford 5000, 6600 or 7000.
  3. Email the Editor, vtmag@tiscali.co.uk and he would tell you.
  4. Now that is really ace Nick, it even steers! Equal wheeled with a lump in the bonnet next perhaps?
  5. My dealer mate rang me earlier this evening and said that he is bringing me up a box of 24 tomorrow plus a load of other stuff to flog for him. Christmas just may come early this year!
  6. powerrabbit

    Ford 5000

    Looks by the rear wheels and headlamps in grille that it could be one of many that were exported from the U.K in the late 70's-80's.
  7. Bought mine when they were first released for ?16 inc p&p.
  8. powerrabbit

    Ford 5000

    I assume that the term CKD means 'crated knocked down'. That's what we called it.
  9. Been too wet to do much outside today so been listing stuff on Ebay and sending invoices to buyers. Sorting a mate out with some parts for his D.B. 995 this afternoon, lit the fire at 4.30pm, damn cold here now, and cooked my dinner. Settled down for the evening now.
  10. Just bought the last one on Ebay from G&M. Buy it now, ?17 inc p&p. Look forward to that one. My oppinion of it will no doubtedly be aired.
  11. I believe that the majority of the 1;16 models from U.H go to the dealers in 'dealer boxes' first and then released in the ordinary boxes for general release. When I picked up these 135's they still had a quantity of the T20's and 35X's in dealer boxes on the shelf, may invest in a pair of them, their price is ?28.50p per model.
  12. Just had a thought!!! I have an original leaflet for the MF QD cab on the 135. If anyone wanted a copy to go with their model please let me know or if I can scan it both sides and post it up you could save the pics and print it off.
  13. David Brown tractors are now coming into their own and prices for them are rising conciderably and steadily as the Fords and Fergies are too expensive for the ordinary collector and enthusiasts. I can't understand why it has taken till now for D.B tractors to be recognised more, probably because of the strong export market in past years for the other makes and historicaly they were always the cheapest tractor on the secondhand market but people are now seeing the light as it were and recognising that David Brown's are still the most robust, easy to maintain and fuel efficient hard working tractor still around. Just see how many there are still working, testament to the brilliant engineering. I would recommend anyone to study the Companies history from 1860 when they were established, the tractor side was just a mere fraction of the Company, it's like they say about the Mini, there is hardly a person alive that has not been affected by them in some way or form, well, it's the same with David Brown.
  14. There is still a section of the old Meltham factory still operating manufacturing and re-manufacturing the David Brown hydraulic components such as valve chests and pumps and the gears factory, Parks Works, are still an independant David Brown Company producing specialist gearing for numerous aplications around the world. When Case closed the tractor division in 1988 it was said that 90% of the factory machinery was shipped to America and put in 'storage' and not 'sold off', this was done in order to prevent the tractors 'resurfacing' in another guise thus retaining all the patents, tooling and copyrights. This is why you will not find any genuine D.B recently manufactured parts other than what CNH produce themselves with the original tooling. Tin work that is available is limited to mudguards and cross-boxes most of these that you see on the market are wrong and will not fit as they are hand made in such places as Turkey from paterns taken from old salvaged parts most of which had been altered to fit a roll-bar to the tractor they came off. The genuine new panels you do see occasionally are from old original stock that has come from ex dealerships as there is never a constant supply.
  15. If everyone knew what the actual trade price was, there would be a lot of sick people out there!
  16. On the subject of prices for these models, here is a couple of them. Take a gander. I wonder what they will end up selling for? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Massey-Ferguson-135-model-tractor_W0QQitemZ260180930637QQihZ016QQcategoryZ91592QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Massey-Ferguson-135-c-w-cab_W0QQitemZ260180957982QQihZ016QQcategoryZ91592QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. Not certain about that Marky, I'm one of those that tend to 'leave as'. I suspect it's fixed.
  18. The rear cab curtain is just hanging but I would not attempt to roll it up as it is probably a bit too stiff however, there are 4 studs that push into holes to fasten it down, 2 on each upright each side or the rear of the cab and two at the bottom corners on the mudguards where the cab meets the mudguards. I have not attempted to fasten them in place as it looks a little fiddly. I reckon we will all find some little 'faults' with them. The curtain is fastened to the back of the cab under the roof line with a row of these studs.
  19. No, but you can't have everything. As for price, like I said before, the dealers where mine came from had'nt had their invoice. If it's anything to go by, they had the T20 and 35X in dealer boxes for ?28.50p which is pretty good so work around that and it won't be far out I reckon although the cabbed one I suspect is a little more.
  20. Friday is shopping day for me, you know, usual stuff, bread, milk, butter. Did an 'extra' shop this morning at the local MF dealers, brought home a pair of the U.H. 1:16 MF 135's. Posted in the U.H. section.
  21. I have just been out the road to visit my local MF dealers and happened to arrive at the same time as the Universal Hobbies rep who was delivering a batch of these models. I came home with a pair of these and here they are. I can't give you a price for them as yet because the dealership has'nt had their invoice for them yet. If you are contemplating purchasing these models you will most definitely not be dissapointed as the quality of the build and the accuracy of detail is second to none, in a word, terrific! The MF 135 Cabbed Model. This one is fabulous in its detail with swinging drawbar, steering, the bonnet top panel opens to reveal the fuel tank and radiator caps, the tool box on the rear mudguard in the cab opens, linkage opperates and the cab, wow, what detail, all the inner padding is there, even the rear plastic roll-down window is there with studs to fasten it down and the rear numberplate mounting panel on the back of the seat folds down a bit. The Non Cabbed Model. This one has all the same working features as the cabbed version and again is superb in detail of which is the same as the cabbed one. The brake and clutch pedals opperate and so does the handbrake and rods. The rear mudguards are of the early round type as on the first real production model on which it is based. Both models carry the correct wheel equipment and the tyres both front and rear are more accurate to reality than on some past U.H models in this scale.
  22. With my knowledge of the David Brown name and emblem, it is very very unlikely that any one other than CNH would be able to use it as the name and emblem are both a protected copyright and is guarded most fiercely by the company. There are at this time only the David Brown Club and a limited few individuals that have permission to use them........ This does not mean that someone can't remanufacture a D.B tractor but they must not use the name or emblem, like the IMT or the Sutcliffe tractors for example. (Fergies in all but name). It was reported that someone in Germany was attempting to buy the name but was only a rumour as there would be such a high price put on it (most likely several Millions) that no individual would be able to afford it. CNH guard the D.B name in the same manner that a Rottweiler guards a bone as they have always had the very highest regard for the tractors, thats why they bought the company in 1972.
  23. It would help if anyone could translate to English then we could all have a guess what it's about. We will have to keep an eye out for any future information. \
  24. Thought there was only one battery in the combine, that's what it says in the catalogue.
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