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Topdown OSR establishment


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I was reding an article yesterday saying that topdowns are not so good for OSR, but fine for evrything else. Anyone got any thoughts on this??

As an alternative, would it be better to use discs,or a culti plow or something??

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Im not sure where you read the article but most articles written in the farming press are written by people who have never had any experience of anything so called experts and a good rule of thumb is an ex is a has-been and spurt is a release of fluid under pressure :D

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Im not sure where you read the article but most articles written in the farming press are written by people who have never had any experience of anything so called experts and a good rule of thumb is an ex is a has-been and spurt is a release of fluid under pressure :D

The article was on farmers gaurdian website, but having looked on there forum there are plenty of people who use one for OSR with no problems..... ???

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well all our rape was put in off a topdown and had average yield of 2 tonnes to the acre with 120 acres doing 2.5 average across the area so anyone who says it's rubbish isn't doing it right as this is first year we did it and had best ever yields off it with our previous best doing 1.5t to the acre off a proper drill

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All the people I mentioned before use a Topdown without to much trouble. As with every crop and method though the ground plays the biggest part in all choices.

And the season

It always grows in hedgerows, verges and cracks in the concrete the 1st year my old boss grew it a gas main went through the field the roots went down 4ft.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There were some establishment trials up here and the Topdown, Sumo trio, Simba solo etc. did well but the best yield came from dropping the seed behind subsoiler legs in 500mm rows. The only thing was the roots got into the drains.  :D

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