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Brians Lovely MF135.. split from Pete's flexi cab topic


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i got this wiring loom built to original spec,including all wires in the right colours,again new ones are rubbish...2nd picture is radiator hose clips i made from scratch, to detail in the MF 135 handbook,all you can buy new is the non original open wire type which are wrong,there was a bit of making in these



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these 2 pictures show the cab shroud/curtain made to origianl spec.i bought an old 2nd hand cab when i began building the cab for reference and luckily the curtain was intact,again there was aterrible amount of work making these,my mum is a dressmaker so her sewing machine was employed here.....i tracked down a working and totally untouched 1976 135 some 50 miles away and arranged a visit toi the farmer to see how the curtain was fitted after making it....



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another pic of the genuine grill and in 2nd pic the rear end,i spent 18 hours cleaning all the parts for replating,just think every nut has 8 sides and they were all done 1 by 1.i used my original sales brochure to determine what was plated when new and i got every single nut and bolt done



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all dash clocks are the originals and the seat pan is a restored original 2,i found replacement seat pans too wide and when lift arms are up full to release puh the seat rubs on the arms,not good so original is again the way to go



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1st pic shows the cab commission plate,on the early cab with flat roof mesh this plate was positioned along the upper rear edge of the safety frame,2nd pic showing the deep shine on chassis,the paint was sourced from the vintage paint company in wolverhampton as they mixed paint for MF in the 70,s before losing the contract to another supplier in early 80,s so this paint is mixed to original formula,its 2 pack and costs £50 odd a litre,the total cost of paint for entire tractor was £1100



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2 pictures of the newly made cab extension footplates,these were made a precision engineer to original spec and cost £450 for the set as he had to make a special hardened punch to replicate the original non slip oval holes,big cost in cab



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1st pic shows the pedals,i regrinded them with a grinder and file to renew them as replacements dont have that all important MF part no stamped on them.2nd pic shows the replated lift quadrant



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dash again..D Mullen you asked me what it is worth,the answer is it is worth more to me than any cheque could ever buy,there were over 252,000 135,s made and i find now after hundreds have been exported and scrapped that on the vintage field there are many variations of 135,s done up,to me if a tractor is not restored using original genuine spares then in years to come the tractors originality is gone,yes there are still lots of 135,s about and there will be for years but i ask you this,in 20 years how many 135,s will still be original,not many ill tell you now so the real value cant be determined now but in years to come originality will pay off  NOTE..THE CLOCK STOPPED IN 1995 a year before tractor went into retirement due to potato harvester,i estimate its done 1000 hours since,its probably less as the tractor wouldnt do 100 hours a year since i bought it, and its been laid up getting restored for 3 so probably less than 4000 total hours truth be told




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im only after giving her afull polish,windows ans all,i dont even polish my car..again please excuse the black exhaust and clamp,its just my running around exhaust,ive a thing about original exhausts at shows,and i hate them black shiny things....the proper MF exhaust for a 135 has a flanged bottom and MF5 printed on side



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